States warns its citizens from visiting "hot spots" .. and Morocco "exception"

دول تحذر رعاياها من زيارة "البؤر الساخنة" .. والمغرب "الاستثناء"

After the terrorist attacks on the country's several, France, Lebanon, Mali, Tunisia and elsewhere, which was the scene of bloody claimed the lives of hundreds of dead and wounded, many countries rushed to warn its citizens against traveling to a number of countries across the world's hot spots in a state of turmoil, or those high-risk terrorist.
Warning countries such as France, Britain and the United States came through the portal of the ministries of Foreign Affairs, where this warning included most of the Middle East and North Africa, as well as several countries in the African continent, as well as countries Unit threats Bassakintha and visitors vary.
It was interesting to issue British Foreign Office, during November of this, a warning to its citizens to avoid travel to the majority of countries in the region, after being added to this list Tunisia in the wake of the attacks that have defined this year, while Morocco was the only country in which it considered the British Foreign "safe "and it can travel without fear of terrorist attacks.
And ranked Britain, during the updating of this month, countries such as Egypt, after the Russian crash in Sharm el-Sheikh, it is advised to go to for the British, as well as Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Mauritania, at the time considered Algeria as well as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) less dangerous compared with other countries.
France, in turn, after the attacks on the capital Paris and claimed the lives of 130 people dead and hundreds wounded, published, via the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, non-recommended Maps visited by the French, including many countries across the world, Morocco was among countries that are not covered by this warning .
The warning, which is supervised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the French crisis cell, said that a large part of the eastern neighbor Algeria, is not "recommended at all", which carry the red color in the map published after the Paris attacks, including the Tindouf area, supervised by the the separatist Polisario Front.
Besides Algeria, other countries were more serious, like Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia, and parts of Iran and Egypt, especially the Sinai desert, while classified as other countries as less serious, such as Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and northern Egypt, in addition to the Iranian capital Tehran, and regions adjoining it.
The Kingdom of Morocco was among the few countries in the region which was considered by the French Foreign Ministry "safe", as parts of the Sultanate of Oman, and the United Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait.
US Department of State, is the other, has been through all the terrorist attack suffered by any country across the world, especially the "fragile" in terms of security, to issue warnings to their citizens not to travel to those countries, and through the portal.
And by reference to these countries list this year, which was one of the bloodiest year in comparison with the years that preceded it, it has been included, since the end of 2014, fifty countries, including several countries in North Africa and the Middle East, such as Tunisia, Mauritania, Syria, Libya, Iraq and Turkey.

This article was translated from Hespress newspaper
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