This is the path of your bag while traveling by plane

This is the path of your bag while traveling by plane

Rarely sees passenger flights today belongings which are subject to security checks, but behind the scenes in any of the modern airports are no full security teams do not do nothing but baggage screening before shipment.

Explains Christian Oltnhoven, from the German border police at Frankfurt airport management, that after checking luggage at the front desk, moving on the conduct and settle in the Inspection Unit.

This process mechanism mostly in Europe. Scanning devices are used ultrasound to examine the bags in search of a group of suspicious vocabulary.

If such vocabulary monitor the re-examination of the bag a number of ways. In the case of devices it has been unable to declare the fact that these items safe, it should then be opened one air security officials examined the bag and, according to Oltnhoven.

In the case of the discovery of something fishy inside the bag are notified airport police and is being called the passenger.

For example, if there is a means uncommon in the bag it can then question the passenger for what it is.

Oltnhoven and remember that they recently discovered «chocolate coated with smartphone», and it seemed the mixture to scanning devices like a bomb, which resembles chocolate organic material for explosive materials under the X-rays, while the smart phone can seem as a timer. And the security of the airport does not leave anything to chance.

He Oltnhoven «in extreme cases, is called bomb disposal experts».

Oltnhoven confirmed that they are to inform the passengers that it is imperative to open their bags through a memorandum puts security personnel in their luggage.

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