This is the cheapest and the most expensive countries to visit tourist

هذه أرخص وأغلى الدول من أجل زيارة سياحية

Dubai ranked first globally the most expensive tourist destination in the world according to the World Ranking Site "Hoppa" specialist in sounding the cheapest and the most expensive tourist destinations.
The study involved months 46 tourist destination frequented by tourists, sorted by the total cost of the individual criteria, including the price of a cup of coffee, and the average price of hotel lira, and the cost of taxis "taxi" for a distance of 3 km, in addition to the price of a meal for two people.
The average cost of a tourist to spend one day in Dubai about 279 euros, including housing price per night in its hotels, which averaged about 214.81 euros, as the average price of a cup of coffee record about $ 3.82.
And replaced the New York American famous Bojbadtha appetite in second place in the world after the average price of a meal in which the two people was approximately 54.93 euros, followed by Botswana in third place, with the average price of the tour today which amounted to about 210.30 euros, while the cheapest in terms of the average cost of a taxi which It amounted to about 0.73 euros for a distance of 3 km.
Marrakech and occupied the second place in the classification of an Arab tourist cities after Dubai, and fourth globally, based on the average cost of a night in one of its hotels, which amounts to about 155.27 euros. Amazingly, in Marrakech it occupied the first place among the tourist cities in the cheapest meals as average price per meal for two was about 10.18 euros.
The fifth place was awarded to Sydney, Australia, followed by London in sixth place and Singapore in seventh place, and Caracas, Venezuela in the eighth, to lead it to Cancun, Mexico, in Lima, ranked tenth place in the classification, as the value of the meal where for two nearly 15.74 euros.
The Russian capital Moscow, was replaced in the eighteenth place among the cities of the world tourism by "Hoppa" rating.
The good news for tourists who spend their annual vacations and trips in the Arab world, is that the "Sharm el-Sheikh," the Egyptian had knocked on the throne of Arab countries cheaper between tourism destinations, as well as they got to ninth place globally as well, as the average price of a cup of coffee with 0.85 euros and the average cost of a taxi less than 1.50 euros.
For lovers of tourism in Budapest, Vhzam Ofer By Type in recreation at the cheapest price, where topped the Hungarian capital, the list of the cheapest cities in the world for tourists, and was replaced in the 46th position and the latter among the most expensive global tourist destinations, with an average cost of today's tourist one which was 40 euro only.
According to the website, the aim of this classification is to provide an opportunity for tourists to learn about the cheapest destinations in the world that can Iqsduha, particularly low-income owners of them.

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