Disastrous five things you should not do it in the streets of Cairo ..! - Egypt

خمسة أشياء كارثية يجب ألا تفعلها .. في شوارع القاهرة !

Jams, garbage, sounds clarion car debilitating, faces frown, and the other with a laugh, exhausted streets carrying inside the folds of time-honored, staff, workers, vendors Jailin simple faces full of hope, authentic walls carved by the history of the people, as well as his views ..

It is associated with things for the first step in the streets of Cairo; girl Muizz Fatimid, which hardens them a lot of time and are still steadfast, strong, roaring particular enemies.

The capital has seen in the past few years, tremendous unrest led to a radical change intellectual and cultural landmarks, some have described this change as the best, others are calling it the worst, it is the birthplace of revolutions in a row, and the fall of the two systems.

This turmoil has led to a frightening deterioration in the conditions of the country and in turn reflected the conditions of its inhabitants .. miserable living, unemployment, the high cost is likely, low education, the media is misleading. And still people are resilient, they are pursuing their livelihoods, claim God to expel them from this crisis unharmed.

At first glance you might feel the extent of the misery and dire situation that is home to the people of Cairo, but the mystery withstand always remains the satisfaction it once did, so if you think that Egypt is experiencing the worst character I advise you to read Is Egypt is experiencing now is the worst days of its history already? First and then come back here again ..

Visits, strange, or even a resident, once you have your feet set foot on the streets of Cairo well remember these five things do not ..

The rules  is different here .. Ask astray

Al-Qaeda always go as follows .. Ask reach, but in Cairo often Qaeda differ .. if you do not know your destination do not ask, often go your someone to another place, and another goes back to a strange place away from your destination and then to place the strangest, that ultimately fall into a spiral of straying into the streets of Cairo, and end up sitting on a broken sidewalks ask God to bring you out of this unscathed city.

.. Young Egyptian rolling the word means to speak to no one understands, which is taken from the bully, many people take this word as a way of life, they can not live without the boy, as if to say "I do not know," a taboo that would never forgive her fault.

What do I do then? .. Fortunately the streets of Cairo fully supported maps Google, and do not worry, this time they are quite accurate .. If you own a smart phone then type your destination on the application and will guide maps, directions to your destination, then you can ask about how to go there - The did not have Searh- often find "microbus" desired.

But remember ..

Do not ride the "Taxi" at all ..!

Always Maicon taxi is the easiest and safest to get to anywhere you want; but in Cairo, the taxi is way more expensive and farther to get to your destination, deliberately many taxi drivers -ala from the womb Rba- wander around the streets of the city and taking roads far away from your destination to earn more money account for your time, so if I was going to a remote location not think riding in a taxi.

In other countries often you choose from a taxi in Cairo flipped upside down al-Qaida, the taxi is choosen, you probably will not stop the driver if he did not like your looks, and perhaps stop you that saw you well-dressed in a sign that you have the required money ..

Moez Street in Cairo .. source of life never ends

The solution .. the best alternative and faster to navigate within Cairo is the subway, try as much as possible to be close to metro stations, more than 70% of Jhatk in Cairo will be able to go there by subway, if you are heading towards the 30% of other other alternative is buses public transportation or "minibus."

Upon ascending to board the subway or the bus ..

Do not complain..

Carry public transport all the sects of the Egyptian people .. employee month mortgage, a university student, school girls, authentic Egyptian mother, children, ordinary, and even the rich, you will see these faces, how much trouble you feel ..

Last harvest what they can from you is grumbling about the situation, just stand as they stand, sit and sit, apologized to them, smiled at them, Ochaaram good and safety, helped them climb up and down, carrying the heavy bags, leave your seat to an old run-down, the girl wandering by the shoulders, the mother almost effortlessly pregnancy can bring down to the ground.

Just be a guest lightly, he shared misery and Dgthm, be a reason for someone laugh, but beware and ..

Talk politics

Before the twenty-fifth of January 2011 was a political speech in the Egyptian street taboo, the killing of the former regime's political awareness among Egyptians for more than thirty years, made the scene a group of liars, Almstenain, and dominating the minds and dreams of everyone.

After the revolution turned the case a hundred and eighty degrees, there is no longer a man, a woman, a young man, a girl, and even a child does not talk politics, everyone became scholars between the overnight exercise of political freedom without barriers or prohibitions.

Over the three years of Egyptian life has become completely political, engaged in political life without any prior experience or awareness resulting in a very different views resulted in the sharp division between the people in the political consensus in turn led to extreme intolerance and accept the opinions of others ..

I really do not blame any of the sections of the people on what is happening every harvest what they can is a decent life and a natural product of a political blackout lasted for more than three decades, the only blame for misleading the politicians and traffickers religion who opened the floodgates for the misguided and Almstenain and prostitutes to issue political scene media happen.
After consecutive revolutions and the fall of the regimes and the rise of another center of a split in views between supporters and opponents, and after that everyone has suffered from the results of this division, has bedeviled the modern politics of all sections of the people, it has become the political scene is another Mairead anyone to talk about it or discuss it.

Be sure to talk politics with anyone who would have led eventually to either self-pity on the case of the country and its people, and either pride since reached intact, and in both cases will not make a difference, but will worsen the situation that you're opposed to another view Here enter a spiral will not come out of them unscathed.

So if Jaetk opportunity to talk with anyone in the streets of Cairo or inside public transportation completely shied away from talking politics.

Do not wish on someone

Before taking a single step in Cairo, be absolutely certain that every step be accompanied by one of the beggars, street vendors, needy people who make sidewalks homeless .. They are not waiting for you compassionate or a look full of sorrow and compassion for their situation, just smiled at them, Ochaaram their humanity, extending them a helping hand, but was unable to Spend without even considering them.

In the end .. Cairo is not that bad, the people are good, walking innately and customs that make up their identity, their faces simple talking including feel, including hide, since suffering, not Mstenain, nor liars .. but they are loved.

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