How to protect yourself and your family during a camping ..!

To avoid accidents that may lead to the injury of a family member or someone dear to you and then turn with joy to sorrows, so and so is your trip and happy return, God willing, in order to health and safety, we invite you to read the following safety guidelines: -

First: Safety when choosing a tent site

• must choose a site for tents so that it is sloping away from high places and valleys to avoid the dangers of flowing water as a result of rainfall, as well as rocks and stones, which may fall.
• tents chosen site so that they are far from the caves or deep earth cracks where it is possible that these caves or crevices to be a haven for rodents and insects and poisonous reptiles (such as snakes, spiders, scorpions or poisonous).
• You must choose a clean place free of dry herbs and plants to avoid the demonic fire hazards.
• must be away from power lines and oil fields tents site.

Second: safety during installation and is equipped tents

• must clean place tents of rocks and stones and edged depressions or cut glass and old pegs to ensure no tripping out.
• You must make sure of the safety of all the tents parts before starting the installation process to avoid trouble during their residency.
• Determine the wind direction and set up tents so that her back facing the direction of the wind.
• The use of iron pegs to install tents, especially if the ground is solid, preferably put cushions of wood under the columns if the ground is sandy to ensure stability well.
• You must leave Cafe Distance between tents for the passage of individuals width not less than two meters free of pegs and ropes.
• electrical connections must be filed within a special pipes for the tent and the ground wires are not bare so you do not get an electric seam.
• making sure not to touch the bulbs or fuel soon from the roof of the tent or touching Qmacha or columns, or any flammable materials .
• Must be lights inside the tent at a suitable height so that the head does not injure the occupants of the tent, and special lamps, kerosene stoves.
• must be allocated places for cooking and separated from the living quarters, and it erected a special tent utensils and stoves, cooking and preparation of foods and be far away from the tent living and preferably gas cylinder to be outside the tent in the closet, especially to save and close the cylinder when finished cooking or when not in use, and are advised to put a barrier is not met inflammable between the stove and tent during cooking.

Third: safety during the stay tents

• Caution must sleep inside tents and fire wood or charcoal fire burning When sleep must completely extinguish the embers and make sure that the fire died down and extinguished before going to sleep so as not to stifle and lead to the death of tents carbon monoxide or be a source of fires.
• must monitor the cooking process and not to leave food on stoves or fireplaces unattended.
• must pay attention to hygiene inside and outside the tents on an ongoing basis and put leftover food in closed bags and put them in special places waste away from the camps so as not to be a source of fires or the presence of insects, flies and others.
• Special packaging must be cleaned well with food and non-use utensils and cups and spoons of others so as not to be a source of transmission of viruses and bacteria among the members of the camp and be a source of infection and transmission of diseases and food Alawbih.oevdil use tools that are used for once.
• Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the tents to avoid air pollution tent or fires.
• Do not spray insecticides in the case of the presence of children inside the tent to avoid contracting respiratory diseases.
• must stop operating the electrical generator during fueling and prefers to do so during the day, and in the case of examination or refueling the generator at night should not use any heat source (such as sulfur or lighter) and the use of hand-lamps that operate dry batteries.
• Do not overload the generator because it could lead to burning or fires, and avoid doing or random secondary electrical connections or extension cable under the carpet, and preferably use hand-powered lamps inside and around the tent.

Fourth: safety risk for igniting coal or firewood

• It is strictly prohibited to ignite charcoal or firewood inside the tent for heating or cooking or heating water to prevent fires tents.
• You must use the stove to ignite wood or coal and avoid approaching the tents when igniting coal to avoid fires and lack of control the spread.
• to ignite wood or coal must not use gasoline because gasoline was fast ignition of the burn, especially if used by pouring a large amount of it to the raging fire as well as kerosene, and dry Ikdil use kerosene, which in the form of templates because he believed the safest of kerosene and liquid.

Fifth: the safety of children in the mainland

• Ensure that children lack the acquisition of fireworks and prevent play them because they may lead to fires in the camps or injuries to them, such as loss of vision or a fire injuries in the hands and may cause ignition clothes.
• teach children the dangers of fire alarm and approached them not to tamper with them or sulfur or ignite the leaves to prevent the spread of fire tents.
• Children should not be left out of sight of their parents or adult relatives outside the tents without monitoring and alert them not to approach the holes or cracks on the surface of the ground or on the rocks to avoid the bites of scorpions or snakes that might be found inside.
• Do not leave young children or infants during sleep in their own tents.
• monitor the children and their lack of negligence, even for a few moments while they are near the places of gathering rainwater and prevent them from swimming or playing in the dams, which consists of drilling after rainfall.

VI: Public safety precautions

• keep a fire extinguisher handy usable (multi-purpose) can be used for all types of fires, in addition to the pail full of dry sand.
• Provide first aid bag containing sterile gauze and disinfectant for wounds and ligaments as well as analgesic medications for pain or colic or cold and can identify types consult a doctor before going to the camp.
• must be some people in the camp, whether men or women trained in first aid and fire-fighting operations processes.

• Develop a plan for the evacuation of the camp and escape in an emergency and online training on how to identify and implement the assembly point and remove all obstacles from walkways and escape routes.

• must wear winter clothes and blankets and bedspreads acquisition of Sufism because the cold air currents, especially in the evening may cause coughs, colds and flu, which may turn out to pulmonary infections are difficult to treat, especially in children and the elderly.

• must not be subjected to direct sunlight at noon time to avoid injury or stroke sun exposure of the skin and skin damage, especially when sitting for long periods under the warm sun.
• Do not eat wild or seasonal herbs and aspiration and grow during the spring and rainfall only after making sure of their safety and knowledge of forms and papers and do not contain toxic components and wash these plants, cleaned and eaten in moderate amounts and time specific period.

• Do not approach the valleys during the rainy or swim or water-filled potholes after heavy rains, which contain clay and mud, which hampers the movement may cause drowning accidents.
• Use the car commensurate with the nature of deserts and wild trips and avoid crossing this Torrent or walk in places does not know where the water depth, and if you're in the desert during rainfall Staying in the car is the best place to protect you after the God of lightning.

• Before you leave the camp and return to your home, make sure the cleanliness of the place and completely extinguish the fire so as not to move to the camps by the wind or neighboring dwellings spoke fires, damage to property and pollution of the environment.

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