Tourism in Indonesia

Indonesia extends viewing on-line Tropical enjoys a tropical climate consists of two main seasons: dry and wet. We advise you to visit Indonesia in the dry season (from April to October) so Ttfedua days and full weeks of rain and flooding. However, Indonesia remains a masterpiece in all seasons and seasons, Bdzrha which more than 17,000 islands, of which nearly 6,000 inhabited island. 

Food in Indonesia chock-full of spices and flavors and colors. You can not feel bored for a moment and you discover Gastronomic this great country and the huge, where more than counting the population for 250000000 million people, more than 80% of whom are Muslims. Despite these obvious religious distribution, but that Indonesia ensure religious pluralism and freedom of belief and the six official religions. 

With this huge number of islands turn to recreational marine elements essential part of the tourism sector, where diving, skiing, clubbing stunning beaches on small islands scattered everywhere. How can a person to visit all these islands, large and small, and does not wish to extend the residence time and again? 

I've gone through Indonesia in recent years, political reforms and democracy and media, which is transformed with time into a developed country economically with the increase and improvement in infrastructure in the media, transportation and communication, especially in the internal transportation between parts of the vast country: from Sumatra through Java, Bali and Kalmntan and Bapau. 
Can not be exaggerated, one describing the beauty of this country overflowing tropical forests and green areas and mountainous, parallel to the sea and the infinite riches. Do not forget Qavatkm and bottles of good water and vaccinations. Indonesia Aldharoria- you all the surprises in store for the Near East ...

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