Tourist information for Bahamas

صور ومعلومات سياحية عن جزر البهاما

Bahamas is a group Dzrmen West Indies. 
Its capital, Nassau, is located on the island of New Providence, became independent in 1949. 
Inhabitants are mostly black-skinned and English is the main language of the country. 
These are islands of Addhaspamaúh Dzerhoha Gaahfa magnificence and beauty and attractive place to spend holidays and vacations where Omricao frequented by visitors from Europe and the rest of the world. 
- An area of ​​13938 square kilometers, and Asmaaldzr City Naswa and Tojdwi Island Naobervidns. 
- Site archipelago of islands in the southeast peninsula of Florida Atlantic Abramahat, and extends over a distance of up to 1300 kilometers, and is located to the east of the island of Cuba, passing Madarasertan its lively. Earth group of islands form the north-eastern sector of the West Indies, and consists of 700 islands and 200 rocky summit. And Aldzralamoholh which is estimated at about 30 islands, the largest of the island of Andros, the island Naobrovidns and out of the capital, and the island of Great Abaco, Cat Island, and Grand Bahama, and Long Island, and the island Alwathir, and Anegwa, and the island Akssbauma, and the island of San Salvador. 
- And grew up on these islands continental shelf, mostly limestone rock. Climate characterized by nature orbital climate, but its central water justice of their conditions of climate, despite the passage of Madarasertan its lively, and passes by the Gulf Stream warm and this made the climate mild in Alstataatmta islands of warmth, making it the destination of tourists, and receive islands copious amounts of rain, and the annual rate up to more than 1,000 mm. 
- Population Activity Tourism is the most important resources Dzrihama, and works in tourism, 66% of the workforce, and generate 58% of government income, and in the Bahamas about 86 thousand acres of agricultural land, cultivated half, and most Hasaladtha of food consumed locally, and fishing is craft important islands, and their livestock consists of cows or sheep and goats, and most of the industry is in light industries such as furniture, plastic, and precious stones, jewelry, and petroleum refining, and traditional industries, and timber products. 

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