There Champs in which the finest and most luxurious cruise the streets of the whole world that he
There luxuries Aoariqy stores and global brands such as high-end restaurants
Pizza Pino restaurant, where there is also a cafe and Rdidor Ktherhfaha cafes
On the side of the pavement and roads
And the forest park Balonea famous lake where there is a preferred
For lovers of romance and atmosphere as well as gentle exercise where most of the population
Walking and running in the corners of the park and passes by the Seine and has amended
The course of the Seine River to enter the center of the capital Paris and opened up fully half
City Games Disney Europe
And after half an hour away on the highway, France, Germany no city
Famous Disney Games Iorb (Walt Dizin) In the city there are Disney Land
Six or five hotels at various levels, restaurants and all the services and also
The Games for all ages in which senior and junior
There is no in Paris is Arab restaurants offering dishes Arab They Restaurants
Upscale very like Diwan Restaurant, which overlooks the Seine River
There are in the neighborhood south of the capital Alatyna a neighborhood where Arabs live from
North Africa, from Morocco and Algeria
Most of the tourists from the Arabs who bays and who prefer to walk throughout the period
Evening in the Champs Elysees Avenue between mobile cafes and fine restaurants
Street or Avenue Champs start of several ways the pool or main streets converge
At the roundabout at the Arc de Triomphe gate and then you end street to the roundabout basket Square
Epehriah old where too frequently or are held by the national and military parades
Walking and touring
Walking on the street is fun of truth, where the broad sidewalk and shops
Big high-end and people crowded the day and night
Paris paved roads in the ancient stones, giving a distinctive and attractive Antbaa
When the tourist as well as the beauty of its buildings and homes, old age which up to some