Catacomb in Italy

In the city of Palermo, where the Capuchin crypt in Italy
That the cemetery is a place of pilgrimage a major tourist attraction in Italy, where attract those cemetery many tourists and famous for that cemetery display mummies stuffed in a way you feel terrified at the sight of those embalmed mummies are installed on the walls and look like they look to you was the construction of the cemetery specifically for the burial and embalming monks.
The first monk was buried in that cemetery was in 1599 and the age of the mummy that the monk about 400 years and stands that the mummy at the entrance door of the tomb like the greeting Zaúrben As we said, this cemetery is the burial of the monks out but then it became Almmemkn for locals buried and embalming their dead in that the cemetery.
When you visit this tomb is extremely terrified of urgency and a willingness to leave quickly because of the proliferation of skulls hollow eyes and the effects of damaged skin and leftover teeth and scowl face eerily and mustaches, which is still in their faces, so Vnasihh for the faint-hearted and people of severely allergic not to visit this place because they simply will not bear to walk for a few steps within that cemetery

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