Do disappear customs and traditions of these tribes from the face of the earth soon? - part 2

الكازاخ منغوليا 1

Raises the book "before disappearing," the photographer Jamie Nelson, recently, a debate among academics and photographers politicians and activists around the world, while the photographer presents his book as another document ethnographic for many of the tribes in Africa, Asia and the Amazon in South America, criticizes many stakeholders lives These tribes free book of any text struggle of these human groups supporting the preservation of the nature of life and its environment and its attempt to confront government policies, as protesting critics to portray the book to these tribes with some imagination and fantasy that does not resemble reality and keep it in the box prejudices and misconceptions tribes isolated semi brutality nothing to do with our world talking.
On the other hand, far from the repercussions of this artistic project and the debate around it, must recognize and pay tribute to the technical capabilities of the photographer and are doing in the pictures below .. So we decided to leave you with pictures to acquaint yourselves with the tribes and shared in the discussion. This is a set of images Jimmy Nelson controversial. What do you think of it?

Samburu tribe | Kenya
قبيلة سامبورو في كينيا 1
قبيلة سامبورو في كينيا 2

قبيلة سامبورو في كينيا 3قبيلة سامبورو في كينيا 3

Tribe Rubare | India
قبيلة روباري في الهند 1

قبيلة روباري في الهند 2

قبيلة روباري في الهند 3

The people of Ladakh | India
شعب لاداخ الهند

Tribe Vanuatu | Vanuatu Islands
قبيلة فانواتو جزر فانواتو

Tribes Altoda | India
قبائل التودا الهند 1
قبائل التودا الهند 2

Aldasainc | Ethiopia
الداسانيش أثيوبيا

Karo | Ethiopia
الكارو أثيوبيا 1

الكارو أثيوبيا 2

Tribe PANA | Ethiopia
قبيلة بانا أثيوبيا

قبيلة بانا أثيوبيا 2

Dani tribe | Papua New Guinea and Indonesia
داني بابوا غينيا الجديدة وإندونيسيا

داني بابوا غينيا الجديدة وإندونيسيا 1داني بابوا غينيا الجديدة وإندونيسيا 1

Masai people | Tanzania
شعب الماساي تنزانيا

Nenets | Russia
نينيتس روسيا 1

نينيتس روسيا 2

قبيلة سامبورو في كينيا 3

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