Global seed vault "Svalbard"

Global seed vault "Svalbard" is just 1300 kilometers south of the North Pole, in the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, in the underground cave, a large castle to accommodate more than 4.5 million of seed varieties.
Called the basement cellar "Judgment Day," a reference to the name of regional or global natural disasters. And serves as an insurance policy against an international plant disaster, is working to secure food production in any place on the planet after the occurrence of a regional or global catastrophe.
Although the international press to imagine the basement as a means to provide the seeds in the event of a major global catastrophe, but these seeds exploited often in providing "seed banks" filed with around the world and the number 1400 Bank, which has lost some samples because of mismanagement, or accidents, or natural disasters, especially since many of these banks are located in politically unstable countries or exposed to environmental threats....

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