Island brides, Mexico | Do not be afraid

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A small island located in the jungles of Mexico, called Ooshimelcho; except for channels and stunning lakes linking surrounding each other islands, and Gandolh, and means of transport "trajineras" the only ones there, acquired the island wide acclaim and attracted tourists and visitors from different parts of the world is not an island because it has only the nature of the tourist breathtaking , but the stories known; revolve conversations around for more than fifty years, one of which says that a man married and sank his bride in the waters of the island, lived there a lonely old and spent industry brides and put them on the trees and everywhere to be sinking like in 2001 and died, and remained brides hanging witness the love story ended drowned.

Others -ohma possibility Alergeh- says that a man taking small daughter for a walk in the river and they arrived to this island is uninhabited, Vgrguet daughter in the channels and died, and since then housing this man, named Julian Santana Brara, on the island and took combines old brides and placed in the garbage, and lift the sunken dolls and attaches to the trees, believing they would protect his daughter from the sunken evil spirits and protect him from the spirit and it pleases.

2001 sinking of Julian in the same lake, and spread horror stories about him and his death by drowning, leaving behind the island teeming with hundreds of porcelain dolls terrifying and frightening, which nested in some birds.

After the sinking of the Julian family decided to keep the island as it is, and collected donations to care for the island, and gained the attention of television stations and since that time has become this horrible and that looks real island, ghost-like, the focus of attention of tourists.

Access to the island more than two hours, although this frequented by tourists tirelessly and boredom, curiosity and saturation employed by brides and their stories and landscapes, some mud-covered, others torn birds and their nests girl in it.

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جزيرة العرائس

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