Lilliput City dwarfs, China | amazement along!

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Lilliput City dwarfs, China | amazement along!
How we wished to visit the village of Smurfs in our childhood, or the city of dwarfs Lilliput, how we wished to be with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
Here is an opportunity for us, dwarfs has managed to build their own in the Yunnan province of China City to become a tourist destination unparalleled attracts tourists from all over the world to learn about the dwarfs and their daily lives; the Republic of no more than the length of the occupants about 130 centimeters tall, and aged between 18 and 40 years .
Myth and realism:
Sponsored by the king of a small kingdom is no longer than 130 centimeters, his entourage and dwarfs guards accompany him and care for its security. The city is designed in a manner commensurate with the Dwarfs; Homes in the form of a small mushroom-like houses Smurfs, solid infrastructure Browns Altthih any ordinary city, the city has a public facilities, shops and also the center of police and civil defense, and many many other facilities.
Assesses the dwarfs in their kingdom for many different festivals and activities including dance performances and concerts, and wearing the legendary clothes you feel when you are logged kingdom giant in the world of dwarfs, and Shim Dwarfs welcome tourists with open arms, and to shake hands and make the most beautiful presentations.

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