Wedding in 83 days and 38 sites around the world

حفل زفاف في مصر اهرامات الجيزة وابو الهول

What you going to do if you can not agree with your life partner to the place of residence of your wedding ceremony? Of course the best solution is to elevate the wedding everywhere around the world. This is what the couple from Los Angeles, where he Chita Platt and Ryan Odiard betrothed since last year wedding ceremony around the world to coordinate in order to achieve their dream of marrying in a larger number of different places in various parts of the world and less than 90 days.
Indeed couple arrived on February 8 to the first point for them to Icoma officially marry in India, Egypt, Ireland, Thailand and many other countries, and they got many of aid and donations from people who believe in and support this idea, to allow us to also enjoy these pictures from the wedding 38 sites around the world, and perhaps more than the beauty of this picture is the fact that the couple specialists acrobatics and started practicing some of these pictures.

حفل زفاف في مصر اهرامات الجيزة وابو الهول

زوجين في ايرلاندا

زفاف زوجين ايرلاندا

حفل زفاف في ايرلاندا

Ajanta, India

حفل زفاف في معبد في أجانتا الهند

Mumbai, India

مومباي الهند

Village Masai Mara, Kenya

حفل زفاف في قرية ماساي مارا كينيا

Bangkok, Thailand (from left) | Village Masai Mara, Kenya (of Yemen)

حفل زفاف في تايلاند وكينيا

Bangkok, Thailand
حفل زفاف في بانكوك تايلاند

Giraffe Center in Nairobi, Kenya
حفل زفاف في بانكوك تايلاند

كينيا نيروبي

Spain (from left) | India (from right)

حفل زفاف في الهند وفي اسبانيا

Segovia, Spain
حفل زواج في شقوبية اسبانيا

Madrid, Spain

زوجين في مدريد اسبانيا

Bogota, Colombia

حفل زفاف في بوغوتا كولومبيا

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