Pictures of beautiful State of the Czech Republic

Official language
Is Czech, where residents speak Buhima logic, and Moravia

10.272 million (according to statistics in 2000)

And the border area
Bordered by Germany to the west, Poland to the north, Slovakia to the east, Austria to the south. An area of 78 864 square kilometers. The ratio of more than 80% of this space tourist areas

Crohn Czech
Dollar = 22 kronor

The weather
Czech Republic from non overlooking the sea and is among the European countries belong to the moderate belt Fbadha from the sea as well as the nature of the terrain and forests which play a key role in the nature of the climate

The atmosphere in the Czech Republic in July and August with mild progression of the four seasons of the year and rainy often tends to be cold in the early hours of the night, the morning where the average temperature in the coldest days of the year (January) about (-5) degrees Celsius

The most important cities
Prague ((DC))

Is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic
The city has a relationship through history for more than a thousand years, and the evolution of the facility at the intersection of strategic roads across the European continent. Often self-styled tower percent in their own because of the many churches and towers, Prague is the cultural and industrial center of the Czech Republic and the main commercial center as well as

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