5 Secrets make your life better


Stephen Covey says I, "I am not a product of my circumstances, but the product of Aqrarta" I used to live Kalomuat alive I do not do the right thing .okona besieged from all sides while my soul die slowly and then I did not realize this thing and I think that everyone living in the same manner. All around me to Isosaadae has also found .lknhm continue because of the circumstances or the material we all give up on achieving our dreams because of fear of change.

For many years I wish I do something different, but I envy those who live on the help of others, but I think that this is my fate and my way. I did not understand because I chose my way every day and did not seek to do something better, or to become a better person and settled for continuing to live miserable.

I know that every day you have the freedom to choose how to live your life, whether you're conscious of it or not. To live a happy life is not very complicated.
Today I am happier; I chose a new path and walk it seriously did not become great after my life but I began to realize part of my dreams with the help of others.

Five ways had been found to make life more impressive, is :

1.Focused on communication and not ideal
I know you're under a lot of pressure that pushes you to look perfect; she tries to live in perfect health and that parents be perfect or ideal employee or an ideal partner.
I used to wake up at five thirty in the morning and lead aerobics exercises or meditation to feel like you're in a higher ranking then you go to work early.

All of these things require time and effort but it does not make you happier, but life becomes more enjoyable and less joy; because they take away your time you can spend with the one you love. Life becomes more impressive when focused on more than perfect communication and relationships. People bring us happiness and enrich our lives.
Stopped listening to that voice that tells you hidden that you have to do more, rehearse more work harder with you to do so already, but always prompts more. You need to spend time with your favorite people before that time is running out humanitarian relations are the most important thing in life.

2. Keep your values ​​and live their own
Is Iraodk the feeling that there is something wrong because you do not know exactly what is this thing? It has held a job interview and everything seems to be fine but you feel that it will not work Ootkabl new person looks nice but you do not feel comfortable towards him, there Shi E what, something that can not be described.
 Most of these times it reflects the feeling of the existence of something that does not agree with your values ​​own.
But that does not mean there is a conflict between your values ​​and the values ​​of others own
But that that feeling is an indication that something needs to change.
I'll tell you the story happened to me. When accepted a job with a large material return in one of the organizations, and I have accepted because the organization aims to help people, and this is what I want to do well.
With the passage of time and found that the way in which the organization with the help of people are not compatible with my own values; policies of publication and implementation does not Trdana. I want to write directly to the people to motivate and inspire, and better able to communicate with people but the organization estimated the construction and structure of governance. Ever since I noticed that the difference in values ​​become happier things became easier.

3. Mark fear catalyst
Several years ago I read an article written by a retired senior executive of one of the major institutions in which he stated that he was working hard for forty years through them spent long hours and sacrificed many times collected by family and friends but eventually found that it was not worth it. Shi unfortunate that man lost his life vain and too late to change. I have maintained that the story in my mind always, especially when I tend to take the easier options ask myself some stimulus such as Alosih
Did I waste my life in vain or is this really what I want
Is what I want is difficult or scary and what will happen that I did not brave with myself
Let the fear of not attempt remorse and fear of the loss of your life without fear Let the meaning becomes an incentive for you.

4. does not believe in signs
Have you ever asked one day Do yourself something happening is a sign from the universe? Here's the naked truth about the subject of cosmic signs or signals simply do not exist for this thing; Falcon does not send you anything at all. When a person believes that there is sign of support or encourage a certain way, it means that an event or position supports this choice. Let me explain to you more, you asked yourself on what you are going to the market to buy chicken for lunch and I found it had run out. Is this a sign of the universe in order to stop food! Only you do not even choose varieties last and this is what generally happens you change plans and reach the desired goals.

Flo gave Edison pay attention to signs, we would now swim in darkness was felt teachers that stupid kid not absorb anything, has been separated from the primary school because of his inability to completion and comprehension and failed to make the electric lamp a thousand times .. Yes, a thousand times! It explained that it did not fail, but learn thousand step for the manufacture of the lamp. Continued to move towards your dreams, even if it took a thousand step.

5. Do not stop dreaming
Do you know why he did Walt Disney and his team? I used to call free rein to their imagination and dream to get out the best possible ideas. Dream is the first step was the Bible, the world of dreams everything is possible there is no room to assess and classify ideas into great ideas and other silly. The next step was landing on the ground where thinking Walt and his team how to put them on the right track.
Then comes the criticism and confront problems and find out phase errors, and put the cost of the project. They are so encouraging people to dream not only dream but without planning to achieve those dreams
Let me tell you frankly, the biggest may be shocking for you. There are no barriers prevent you from you hinder yourself. Think of a good idea and then begin to put obstacles to the implementation leaps to head the justifications such as the difficulty of implementing cost a lot of money, and others. With time to turn the dream stage cash before Vtkhcy dream of things that you can not achieve my advice to you you are not listening to the voice of criticism inside your mind and that tells you that you are not good enough.
Here are some facts eventually
You're a good person like the others and like the dream to be like them only difference is that insists on dreaming; Having a wonderful life begins to dream. But the dream is the first step that must strive hard to achieve your dream not only to sit waiting Hnamk that dream is achieved if the fact is that you have freedom of choice; choice of wonderful life or death alive alive.

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