The fall of the strange metal balls in Vietnam raises distraught residents and Boggle authorities

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Vietnam recently found in the strange metal balls suddenly fell from the sky did not the authorities be able to determine its source, which is similar to other bodies were found in different parts of the world.
The Ministry of Defense in Vietnam and announced that it was unable to find out different sizes near the border with China, the source of this strange iron balls that found three of them.
And it weighs heavier these spherical metal objects about 45 kg, while the average weighs 6 kg and a small third the weight of 240 grams.
And it did not cause the fall of the spherical objects unknown in losses for the locals, where he fell heavily to the ground and inculcated in the dirt, while the average landed on the shore of rivers, smaller and fell on the roof of a house.
And local residents confirmed that the anonymous metal balls fell from the sky, and the authorities are trying to uncover the circumstances of the incident, and likely to be one of the novels balls remnants of missile parts or objects to another plane.

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They announced the experts after a thorough examination that the metal balls free of any type of explosives, and it is completely empty, while reports said that similar to other metal balls were found in various parts of the earth including ball diameter meter fell in the town of Riacho dos Rochus, Brazil, on February 22, 2012.
And scored a lot of similar incidents in different parts, which were found in 1975 on the body of a spherical metallic anonymous and smooth diameter of about 20 centimeters in the Sverdlovsk region in Russia.
In the United States, several people saw the fall of the spherical metallic body similar diameter 28 centimeters in the state of Arkansas in 1966, and witnesses confirmed that the surface of the iron ball unknown was devoid of any damages or effects of inadvertent contact with layers of the atmosphere.
In 1963 and 1969 we found several objects similar completely different sizes in the desert of Australia and in the north of Argentina area, but the records show that the history of the phenomenon of this type of object spherical metal unknown extends to the year 1802 in the Netherlands, where he found in a field near Leiden city on the body Similarly 12.5 centimeter diameter scientists at the time could not determine its origin or its constituent materials, and later the body disappeared strange, and some studies suggest that Napoleon's soldiers in that period stole the body spherical metallic unknown and its impact is lost permanently.
Most surprising that similar metal objects found during excavations at several mines in South Africa Turnsval Province northeast of the country, the mystery of the strange incident that unknown objects were buried in layers of old rocks about 2.8 billion a year!
And most surprising that archaeologists have confirmed beyond any doubt that the objects of industrial origin unknown, scientists have described the details of the effects of this phenomenon in the puzzle book _khassah so under the title "aware of the outlawed effects".

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