Tips for travel, with a limited budget


How simple things you can do to save money to travel and enjoy tourism
Save money on airline tickets, lodging, transportation, eating, shopping
Above all must be flexible and accept the choices and at least the minimum, even if they are not perfect in order to enjoy visiting the countries and places visited were not dreamed of a few and modest budget does not increase the financial Aabaik.
That were not you have a favorite travel Keep in mind the best destinations where the local currency with a high exchange rate against the country in which you want to travel to him.

Do not forget: to retain copies of your passport and official your papers and buy a dedicated belt for money "money belt" because the thieves know that the governor of tourists filled with money, also be careful when entering the crowded places or places to visit suspicious or places that Aazorha one or phantom police requesting your wallet.

Plan your trip well so save time and money, try far from the times of the seasons and vacations travel where prices fall and congestion least, big like London and Paris, the capitals tumor and others have had fun at any time of the year, make sure the weather in the country who will be visiting.

Your choice expanded that you want to travel and a few modest budget and does not want a lot of money and browse some online sites that provide rent a room from a family or person options, exchange homes with other tourists spend, hostels sometimes provide separate rooms, camping places allowed camping in, and others

Take a look at airbnb, wimdu, roomorama, hostel world, couch surfing, home exchange
Bookings and offers online sites have different prices depending on the time, day, week and season Try booking at different times to see that there was room to get the best deal with so be sure to cancel booking and the amount could be deducted policy.
Sometimes exist when booking savings offers an integrated package includes airfare, hotel discount coupons are also sometimes available in online, including airline tickets, hotels, car rental companies and some countries have available discounts discount stores shops selling all kinds of tickets at discounted prices.

Compare different airlines to get the best deals, the first class on the plane or train is usually twice the price compared to the second degree or economic everyone up at the same time also the return tickets be cheaper than one-way ticket only, airlines European companies a competitive make sure ticket prices between cities sometimes be the price of a train ticket, however, we are advised to stay away from the bad reputation the airline, even though availability has a great discounts.

Airlines impose fees on everything. If you are carrying two bags or more, you surmised charging you, so I take the bags with the amount of weight and tried to be there for each person only one bag Traveling is fun and not a task.

Avoid agents and tourism offices and service rooms, but finding the time necessary because the fees and the prices tend to be high so use the Internet, tourism guide, map, GPS, and book yourself.

Avoid using taxis knew it convenient way, but use public transportation or economic, such as subway (Metro) and bus prices much lower, and sometimes their locations easy, and you want to rent a car so be it your choice Car younger not to save money, but only to save fuel as well and you can ask the employee for Economic cars in the fuel, buses of the best and least expensive means, particularly within the city but you must know the point of the bus, either in terms of traveling by bus from city to city is slow but more saving.
If the area that you want to go close to it and the atmosphere is suitable inhibitor to go on foot it is an opportunity to see the city and its streets and its inhabitants and the stores close and pick up some pictures.
The majority of European capitals less than its hotels prices significantly when a little away from the city center, sometimes be close to your destination where the hotels are available at low prices, provided that the distance near small towns.

Luxury hotels offer great discounts at the end of seasons and vacations may equivalent prices one-star hotels, also look at the three hotels Options star and two star and least before you book a look at the rooms and away from rooms that overlook the yards noisy that you want a quiet location and do not forget to read the Traveller Reviews They are useful to others, you are booking through the Internet, some hotels offer free breakfast.

Sometimes located far from the tourist places, hotels at attractive prices, but if you want to go to places of tourist will pay more money and will lose what has provided the hotel reservation so you know the location of the hotel and its proximity to and after all means of transportation and tourist attractions so read the hotel information and location and read travelers who used the hotel comments .
Stay away from restaurants as much as possible and buy water, snacks and ready-made meals from the food and bakery shops are many choices and the prices are suitable as opposed to hotels and tourist attractions, also gardens and parks a wonderful areas for fun and watch the families, children and enjoy the food they brought him.

Make sure you have some drinks and snacks in your room and you wherever you go Vosarha high when going to the tourist places, sometimes cafeteria is available at large department stores and tourist attractions.
Eat at local restaurants, which deals with such people and not in any restaurant, also known as the high standard restaurants around the area you live in, or the area you want to go to it.

Be nice and talked with people in the same area they inhabit and Asilhm for dining occasion from which they purchase, purchase and will give you valuable tips, many of the consumer local products that were produced in the same country you are visiting less price than others, it will also be a wonderful experience that I tried Some local dishes and drinks, this is part of the fun of traveling.

Use the GPS in your phone to recognize the important points around you, whether it Matbges subway station (Metro), buses stop station, food shops, a pharmacy, nearby restaurants, markets, shops, hotels, parks or gardens ...

If you want the best shopping to buy from cheap countries and if you plan to buy clothes during travel it is better to take old clothes to get rid of them there, also stayed away from the shops in places tourism because prices higher than others, my advice is to buy from local markets and shops are exempt markets from taxes and do not forget to prepare a list of what you want to buy, and only what you need.

Before doing a commercial operation, financial or purchase of any Ask place for the fees and expenses and ask for an itemized bill, because some places bad exploit the ignorance of tourists prices and taxes, and also some countries that returns tax, or part of it to tourists so when you buy Do not forget to fill in the custom form.
Reduce the costs and time to limit your visit to a single country, several distinctive destinations especially if the period of your holiday for no more than two weeks until the travel does not turn into a stressful trip when visiting several countries, also traveling with a partner to feel at home with him will help you with the participation expenses and enjoy good Basahbh.
There are short trips fun for one day is roam the best tourist sites within the city, offering tour guide comprehensive information on these places, too many museums and tourist attractions progress for children and the elderly and some museums allow free access in the days and certain hours and some festivals and celebrations cuts be outdoors where attendance is free

You may recognize the festivals and events and exhibitions for the country you will be visiting through the official website for tourism or specialized events sites because some events to Atawwad.

Europe in particular is better to buy, also free online map used to carry voice calls through the software in your phone that you want to SAVE also there are international contact cards at vendors of newspapers in Europe, which is much more economical than the international contact.

Parked the car in the designated places, even if some money was commissioned because some thieves are targeting cars of tourists when identified, also ask the hotel for mobile phones, chargers and what you need before you buy them often be available to them, that you use glasses or better lenses that have an alternative in your bag does what worse than the loss of those who wore bifocals.

Stay away from cuts and exaggerated performances of people, sites and places unreliable they hide behind it either bad or fake Services Offers.

When exposed to a racist attitude, all you need to do is to ignore the person and complement this way the best way to deal with these situations, we also are not given the field of anyone trying to bother you or to ask strange questions simply apologized and he finished way.

There are times when the local population is usually to detract in the late hours of the night is best to do as they do so, also when you want to sleep in your tent or your car must be close to public places and places where the lives of the population and the villagers and does not try to go away, especially in the evening.

Do not over-dress and carrying valuables and wear the simplest and least expensive things and does not try to distinguish yourself by wearing a certain or of an organization, especially when traveling to poor countries or visit distant places.
Finally, when you go to reputable places you will find respectable people, and when you go to bad places, you will find a lot of bad.

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