The largest open-air museum of Islamic effects in the world - Cairo, Egypt

February 22, 2008 the completion of the restoration of the goats Street to the religion of Allah is the greatest open-air museum in the Islamic world and the effects of opening
Moez Street to the religion of Allah Fatimid, dates its founding to Ncoeh Fatimid Cairo in 969 AD, and was called "goats" relative to the Fatimid Caliph al Din Allah Abu Tamim contagious, fourth Fatimid caliphs in Tunisia and the first of the Fatimid caliphs in Egypt, and sent the goats to the religion of qualified commanders and is the essence of leader Sicilians to seize Egypt from the Abbasids entered it and founded the city of Cairo, and ended when the essence of building the city sent the request for the goats to Cairo for the opening.
And extends Moez Street to the religion of Allah, the Bab al-Futuh through coppersmiths area, then the Khan el-Khalili, The area of ​​goldsmiths and then broken essence Street commander (Moski), then broken Azhar Street through the abyssal zone and Alvahamin, then the path alley and sugary to end up at the door of Zuwayla.
The Moez Street, the heart of Fatimid Cairo since its inception as a collection of the most beautiful Islamic monuments in the world and unique to those effects your appearance in terms of beauty and accuracy, variety and magnitude of architecture and decoration, contains Moez Street, many mosques majestic addition to being also includes schools, cemeteries and Pemmarstanat (hospitals) The fountains and Ktatib and palaces.
Among the most prominent buildings in the archaeological Moez Street: - Bab al-Futuh - Collector's ruling by order of Allah angle Abul Khair mosque and Alklebata- for and book Suleiman Agha Asalhaddar- home stop Mostafa Gaafar Asalhaddar- Collector Aloqmr- for and book Abdul Rahman Ktkhadda- Prince Palace Bstek- bath Inal - school Alcamlah- mosque and the Khanqah apparent Brkoq- For Muhammad Ali Balnhacen- Nasir Muhammad ibn mosque Qlawon- a mosque and a school and bimaristan and the Dome of the Sultan Qlawon- Dome apparent Necmettin Ayoub school and home and seat dome for and book Qansuh Algora- collector Alvkhana- For Muhammad Ali Balaviaden- bath Alscrih- agency Nafisa Awhita- for Nafisa Mosque Awhita- pro Hakh- door Zuwayla.

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