Bremen city is very beautiful - Germany

Germany: Berlin is a city in Germany, located in the north of the country, and in the mid-distance between Hamburg and Hanover. Constitute Bremen and the city of Bremerhaven, which is just about to 57 km, the smallest federal states in Germany (State of Bremen), extending the mandate at the mouth of the Weser River (Weser).
The city has a population of 544,746 inhabitants (2004).
Bremen is the second port in the country after Hamburg, and imports of the most important minerals, cotton, wool, coffee, corn, soy, and fruits. Centric industrial activities in the city about the shipbuilding industry, the aircraft industry, mining, petroleum refining, electronics and precision equipment, food industry (coffee, chocolate and beer), tobacco and textile factories (cotton and silk). Bremen is the home of well-known brand of beer in the world Pix (Becks). Bremen is the addition of other activities on the bourse style, and several important banks, Bremen directly linked with the world from the international airport road.

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