Facts you need to know about flights

When planning to travel in the next time, do not worry about many things in during take-off or landing, and during the trip, the number of pilots decided to provide  Facts about flights.

In case you want a more comfortable trip, safety and fun, just to get away from the first drink coffee on the plane because the chemical substances in water tanks that will make coffee taste bad.

The second things that make a different trip relates to choosing the best seat on the plane, where are the seats near the wing of the plane are the best places at all because they do not move much when swing plane, and the air flow is from the front toward the back which makes cold-level seats heated front and rear seats are in a more moderate center-aligned.

They says the pilots that travelers reassurance on safety, they (crew) do not eat food that is distributed to travelers, since they get separate meals of their own in order to reduce the chance of any disease, as it is to provide a different meal for each pilot in order to avoid any food poisoning can affect the flight.

And the fourth he talked about pilots is the buckle that some of them sometimes forget to turn off linkage marker signs and that does not cause for concern.

But the most dangerous thing is to know about flights is to allow some pilots to carry weapons in the cockpit.

The pilots also revealed that there are ways they use to send a signal to the airport that something serious is happening inside the plane, such as kidnapping, and through the left wings, lifted slabs which slows down the plane and then landing.

 He spoke pilots for disorders which sends a feeling of concern, including malfunctions that occur during take-off or landing, although it is a major concern for pilots compared with passengers but everybody should be aware of what is happening.

The last thing referred to by pilots on flights is that cell phones do not pose a threat to safety, where it can be used during takeoff and landing and during the trip, there is no conclusive evidence that electronic devices or cell phones has caused problems for the systems of the aircraft.

Original source : Independent

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