What is the best passport in the world?

Ein deutscher Reisepass der Europäischen Gemeinschaft liegt auf einer Weltkarte. (Foto: picture-alliance/dpa/R. B. Fishman)

To travel when you want and where you want is available for a few people. It is no passports, only a few allow the holder to travel to other countries without having to obtain a visa, we offer you in the pictures.

The world's borders open to German passport campaign. Because, according to the British consulting firm data "Henley," holders of German passport can travel to 177 countries without a visa, and thus the German passport ranked first globally for the third year in a row.

Sechs schwedische Reihenhäuser stehen an dem Ufer eines Sees. An dem Kai liegen einige kleienr Boote. (Foto: picture alliance/Bildagentur-online/Algol/AGF-F)

Passport Sweden comes in second place. Although 46% of Suedan spent summer vacations in 2014 in their homeland, but the doors of the world are open to them, because they can travel to 176 countries without the need for a visa.

Eine Gruppe Touristen aus Japan steht bei strahlendem Sonnenschein im Hof des Heidelberger Schlosses. (Foto: picture-alliance/ dpa/dpaweb)

Freedom of travel in Asia to campaign passports, Singapore and Japan are available and they can travel to 173 countries without a visa. The West European countries come in 3-9 centers along with Australia, Canada, South Korea and New Zealand. The United States has tumbled to fourth place.

Der ehemalige ungarische Außenminister Gyula Horn durchschneidet mit einem Seitenschneider den Maschendrahtzaun zwischen Ungarn und Österreich. Ein symbolischer Akt der Grenzöffnung 1989 (Foto: AP)

After the collapse of the Berlin Wall opened Eastern Europe borders, and since then its citizens enjoy freedom of travel. In 2008, the Czech Republic and Hungary entered the Schengen agreement. Passport and traveling ranked tenth with Iceland and its citizens can travel to 167 countries without a visa.

Eine Frau hält den kolumbianischen Reisepass in den Händen. (Foto Getty Images/J. Raedle)

Passport Colombia offers to 25 points on the list and became the fifty occupies the center. The improved site of East Timor with 33 centers after signing an agreement with the European Union and become occupies fifty-seventh place.

Chinesische Touristinnen posieren für ein Foto vor dem Schloss in Versailles. Eine Frau steht auf dem Podest einer Statue und posiert mit Armen und Beinen abgestreckt. (Foto: Getty Images/P. Le Segretain)

After traveling facilities from Japan and the United States, South Korea, it has become the Chinese given greater freedom to travel. And now Australia, Britain intends to facilitate the travel of Chinese according to press reports.

Ein Syrer steht in einer Warteschlange und hält seinen Pass in die Kamera. (Foto: picture-alliance/AP Photo/H. Malla)

Syrian passport can drive only to cross the borders of 32 countries without a visa. Thus, Syria comes at the tail of the list of passports. But refugees who carry a Syrian passport, they can get political asylum in Europe, while refugees from Iraq and Afghanistan have difficulty with that.

Eine afghanissche Frau hält an der Passstelle in Kabul ihren neuen Reisepass inden Händen. (Foto: picture-alliance/dpa/S. Bandari)

Afghanistan lag behind passports and freedom to travel without a visa. It, along with Syria, Somalia, Iraq, is one of the five countries, whose citizens can not travel freely. The reason for this is the lack of sustained political stability for years in these countries.

The original source of the article URL : DW

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