Of the most beautiful islands in the world Mauritius Island

جلسات الشاطىء الجميلة

Mauritius lies in the Indian Ocean, 2,000 km from the southeastern shores of the African continent and to the east of Madagascar, not far from the north of the Tropic of Capricorn and characterized the island wonderful diverse Ptdharysha, from white sandy beaches, which is followed by mountain ranges towering in the south-west, and bays and caves are protected to the north and to the east and to the west.

خريطة موريشيوس

Mauritius Island

Although Mauritius closer to West Africa geographically, but it is influenced more British and French ties as well as the Indian labor, which came to more than a geographical relationship with Africa, in Mauritius you can enjoy the taste of chickpeas or "Yorkshire Pudding" in the lobby offers a French coffee, while listening to music Alkroehl to talk of the local population. the most beautiful in Mauritius is the beach getaways enchant your heart as well as Algarbah outings which carries you locals Astadhavunk in their homes and rent you their cars or if you're looking for a fun beach only, then you can always do more, do not miss the opportunity to visit Mauritius from home and private capital

Bird Dodoor

Mauritius those African picturesque island located on the Indian Ocean, lies the secret of unity in diversity and the different cultures and the secret of its power. Thus Tmazjt cultures Taatlaqah in tune away from the nerve and confessional. I carried this name in honor of the Dutch prince Maurice Prince Nassau during the Dutch invasion. But Brongaha and beauty and strategic location has been coveted for every greedy and gas. France was conquered by the French Vsmoha Island, and solving their place Englishmen Bring the peoples of India, Mauritius has become even carry off all the flower garden colonial culture, but all cultures were not subject to the blending of rivalry.

المنتجعات السياحية في جزيرة موريشيوس

Strategic location prompted various countries to win them as historical novels, the first foot and stepped onto the Mauritius Islands was for the Portuguese at the beginning of the sixteenth century in the year 1510, when solved with the intent recreation and refueling with supplies to supplement their journeys between their colonies in the eastern part of the African continent, but what they have seen the beauty of them make of Mauritius a haven to escape from the work effort they were practitioners in the region.

Fascinated by the Dutch island and named it «Mauritius» in 1598 AD in honor of (Prince Maurice of Nassau) has brought the island's sugar and deer cane, after them, their income French following the expulsion of the Dutch in 1710 AD, and since then I knew the island meaning of evolution for the first time, it puts the border was built port « Port Louis », and became the island extends adjacent sugar and coffee areas and trade flourished all kinds.

شاليهات جزيرة موريشيوس

Payment of the strategic location of the island in 1810 coming from the Cape of Good Hope British ships on their way to India for its invasion and the removal by the French to join the British Empire in 1814 AD
Mauritius gained independence from Britain on March 12, 1968 M. Foster most of the British and French systems in all aspects of her life and popular official.
Trace the island of Mauritius for the African continent and is located in the southern part of the Indian Ocean to the east of the island of Madagascar and above the Tropic of Capricorn in the direct area of ​​2040 square kilometers.
Tnchehr island Btarir Dodo famous island this beautiful bird and strange, and which did not exist only in Mauritius, it has been discovered by the Portuguese when they stepped off the island in 1681, and this bird species of pigeons and a weight of 23 kg and the large size can not fly, and this was one of the most important the causes of extinction, where he was easy prey for dogs and wild boars. Dodo and find everywhere in the island, and carved a decree and is characteristic of souvenirs and one of the main island landmarks. The reason and called by that name to the Dutch word (Dodoor) and mean in English (sluggard) and Arabic means lazy.

جلسات الشاطىء الجميلة

the most important cities

City of Port Louis

The capital, Port Louis, located in the northwestern tip of the island and lined mountains of more than one party, the largest in terms of area in Mauritius, although it has the least percentage of the population, and in the daytime Port Louis looks like any modern city bustles with commercial activities and traffic jams and car horns and all the like at night the image reflected perfectly controlled calm on everything, but we can say that the city die during the night and the only place where he makes a voice in the night of the them is to Ukudan Waterfront area, where you can find a casino and the role of the cinematic display, shops and restaurants, and there is a residential area Muslims around Muammar Gaddafi's Square, which is located conveniently from the John F. Kennedy Street, which is located at the other end of the city and the field of "Chinatown" on Royal Street and the city in general, you can patrolled entirety on your feet.

Market Port Louis is the most appropriate place where you feel that you have entered the city, it is located in the heart of the city and has a special section for vegetables, fruits and sections for meat, fish, gifts, handicrafts, garments, spices, and be prepared to carry large amounts of purchases. Near the market there is a natural history museum, and there you can see the bath "Dodo" Mahnta extinct, it is located in that place since the end of the seventeenth century AD.

You can also see the beauty of several other types of extinct stuffed birds and animals and fish as well as the only place remaining in Port Louis is the e-museum houses a collection of postage stamps in Mauritius. If the Islamic Archeology You Love, you should visit Juma Mosque, which was built in the eighteenth century in the center of the Chinese field, as well as Fort Adelaide, which is called the public upon the castle name is the only one remaining of the four other British forts were present on the island, which gives you an opportunity to look at the entire island of on the surface of the mountains. There is "Bir eval" which is located at the beginning of the east of the city in the "City Cross" area and "Pierre eval" said shrine that he managed to turn 67 thousand people to Mauritius during the years of his rule 23 and today is buried in the shrine and put a statue of him there and visited by locals to derive population him strength, and racing for just a touch.


It is located on the bottom of the point of civil scope, which extends diagonally on the borders of the «Port Louis» Mara «Biobasn» and «Rosehill» and «Kotrbrun» and «Facuas» and then «Phoenix». Curbibi today and is one of the most beautiful cities where the architecture of colonial heritage, public gardens and picturesque, and markets the famous Khaddrha addition to the beautiful landscape of the island, a «Troooksserv» and flowery tea plantations.


It was named after the governor of the French «What de Abordonyaz». A short visit to the city museum to show you the richness of the historical past as a port was when the Dutch descent on the island for the first time, and became the first capital of her after that, and the theater victories of Napoleon's fleet at the British those events engraved on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris

Grand Bay:

And it owes its beauty to the quality of its water Emerald Lothario, and the beaches that do not know the taste of sleep, as well as the beautiful markets and cafes along the coast

Village Bambloses

You can visit the gardens walk "Seyosagor Ramgoolam Batunakal" which is known as the Royal Gardens "Batunakal" created by the ruling What de Abourdonaess parks for vegetables which supplies private Mentdjah, and in 1768 Frenchman Pierre Beauvoir to produce spices around then neglected until 1849 when it was seized by the British James Dolkan and re-planted with palm trees. This simple makes history worth a visit in Mauritius despite the fact that the few flowers Babe them flowers and water lilies that grow in the Amazon which bloom white flowers on the day of flowers, red on another day and there is also a golden bamboo trees, which is extracted from gum or "gum" tree Buddha dating back to 200 years and tree Christ-like leaves Cross and trees ginger and Alsinamon and Alentmaj and the number of wild flowers that you can not see anywhere else on the island and the city also Gallery of Art and the cemetery, located village Bamblamuesas 11 kilometers northeast of Port Louis.

Mocha academic heart ..

12 km from Port Louis lies Moka City and its world is very different from the capital, it is the academic heart of Mauritius what that nature is dominated by small forest and the surrounding mountains and luxury homes, the university "Mauritius" and the Institute "Mahatma Gandhi", which was established to protect Indian culture to the people of Mauritius, which includes folk Museum of Indian immigration, and a few effects, such as jewelry worn by the first Indian immigrants and some musical instruments, books and instruments of the ownership of the houses. There are also for those interested in history "militarized Rdiot," a government building built in 1874 and currently transformed into a US military base, and although the building itself is not open to the public only two days a year in the months of March, and October (October) but they gardens are worth a visit and allows I visited at any time. there are "Oarkohaos" building turned into a museum in 1986, was established in 1830 and a government institution like inside featuring musical instruments, art works and ancient maps and some home furnishings and Indian Chinese.

Flic Flac

Located in the western part of the island and has a small range of markets and is characterized by its beautiful beaches and the presence of a large number of renowned hotels such as the Hilton and Alhawkar Beach Resort and we have Robin and Aloobora

the currency:

Mauritian rupee is the base currency and can handle the euro and the dollar, and you examples of transfers:

$ 100 = 3,000 rupiah € 100 = 4,500 rupiah SR 100 = 800 rupees


Mauritius specifically always presents itself as the most islands in the region that give facilities for tourists, citizens of the Gulf States do not ask him any visas only to have the benefit of the passport and not expired. And this is the case for the rest of nationalities Il that there are some exceptions, especially on the African nationalities (Sudan and Ethiopia) and Visa can be requested from the airport after coordination with the agent of tourism in your country, and before the start of the trip.

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