Dubai unveils the first stadium in the world designed for high ground

دبي تزيح الستار عن تصميم أول ملعب في العالم مرتفع عن الأرض‎

It was unveiled Innovative Model for stadium design Mohammed bin Rashid, which can accommodate up to 60 thousand spectators and will be held at the Dubai Sports Club area Aweer site and project cost is estimated at about three billion dirhams, Emirates.

Featuring Mohammed bin Rashid Stadium unique design which will add a new aesthetic imprint to the city of Dubai is the first stadium in the world is high on the land where the stadium takes the form of a hemisphere portable rules as the advantage of being fully air-conditioned and is compatible with the stadiums of the International Federation of Football "FIFA" specification and taken into account in the design of the project to achieve the various elements of the concept of environmental sustainability and comfort

Foreign help where parks and meadows and shaded places, trees, water, wind, in the convenience of pedestrians.

Among the dozens of international companies operating in the field of sports design of buildings in the world were selected Dar Engineering Co., the global architectural consultant Perkins Plus Woe to the implementation of the project which includes the stadium can accommodate more than 60 thousand spectators, including 23,116 seats in the upper stands and 1642 seats for the pavilion VIP and 8941 seats for runways senior personalities and 6688 seats strips bottom also includes sports buildings include Stadium warm-up hall athlete training and attitudes can accommodate 5,000 vehicles and the museum mathematically over an area of ​​1,500 square meter multi-purpose hall on the 3,500 square meter facilities for conferences, exhibitions and balconies space allows for spectators to wait and interacting with the surrounding atmosphere for.

The project also includes longitudinal corridor, which includes shops and restaurants to meet the public and the needs of people in the site.

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