Moroccan city of Dakhla - Morocco

South jewel - the beach and the azure

Jewel south, replete with scenic views Taatmouka middle of the desert and the sea, has more than three hundred days of sunshine a year, and the shores of sight along, carrying potential in tourism positioned to become a major tourist destination, and classified newspaper "New York Times", the US, within the exclusive list of the Top Destinations global.
Entering or Villa Cisneros, "so it was dubbed in the era of Spanish colonists, it was constructed within the city in 1884, and they represent the first strongholds of fishing for the Spanish presence in the desert.

Location ..
Dakhla maximum Moroccan Sahara is located, a coastal city overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. And it is located near the common Alhdodamorah Mauritania. Although the disputed area around the Kingdom of Morocco (and the Polisario Front separatist), but it is a safe area and is visited every year a significant number of tourists especially Arubans lovers Windsurfing known as the city of Dakhla, or to enjoy its warm, at the height of the moderate winter.

Dakhla peninsula surrounded by the sea, where the south and east and west, north, except my father linked wild world.

Its economy
Dakhla in the economy depends on tourism, especially sports tourism field of surfing and various beach sports, and the manufacturing sector of Tsber Fish and canning or my father's fishing industry classifies its port the most important port in the African continent in this field.

Best suited for the sport of surfing
Know Dakhla annual influx of substantial numbers of European tourists lovers of windsurfing and "kite board" in the Gulf of the city, as tourists can not miss the opportunity to enjoy the warm weather in the winter and moderate enjoyed by the Dakhla.

Thanks to its geographical location, which extends 40 kilometers into the Atlantic Ocean, the city of Dakhla has become a kiss to practice the sport of water skiing by practitioners and enthusiasts task.

Lake Dakhla, which is located in the North Bay and Golden Valley, thanks to its beach and spacious extended and medium waves, are entering a secure area, and almost without the dangers of the practice of sport water-skiing for beginners.

Dakhla long sought to take a privileged location on the world map of marine sports, and they are able to achieve it seems, since becoming involved attracts practitioners of sports water-skiing, where he is now receiving from time to time universal heroes in skiing training.

As a result, too, embraces within a year, "Sea and Desert" festival, which seeks through guides to attract investors and introduce them to the tourist capacity of the area, can also be thousands of attendees to the festival of Moroccans and foreigners from the discovery of authentic culture and nature attractions of the area.

New modernity
Ranked American newspaper "New York Times", the city falling under the exclusive list of the world's best destinations, for the year 2012, which is in the process of transformation to become "one of the most favorite destinations in the world, relative to amateur surfing."

The newspaper said that in the tourism supplement "Further along the sandy located between the Atlantic Ocean and the quiet lake, this city provides important opportunities for tourists, within an environment nestled in the sun, and desert climate full of culture."

Revealed "New York Times", on the other hand, the city of Dakhla, which provides access to the Royal Airways, are available not only for those with purchasing limited capacity, but also to amateur luxury tourism, dramatic attention to that this city also provides, diverse bouquet of restaurants and cafes with a large turnout.

There are included in this list, which includes 45 favorite destination in the world, along with Panama City, and Havana, and the Oakland (California), and Ptcconne (Chile), and London, and Myanmar, among other destinations

As a result, it issued a document, around the city of Dakhla, under the title "involved: the other dimension .. new modernity," which aims to make the city of Dakhla be up to the rating, which is included by the American newspaper.

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