The most beautiful tourist areas in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, formerly called Ceylon, which is a large island in the Indian Ocean, about 31 kilometers from the southern coast of India's population of 20 million people. Third of the population of Buddhist followers and the rest from other religions, especially Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. Sinhalese form the majority of the population in addition to the Tamils, who are concentrated in the north and east of the island, who form the largest ethnic minority. And who are acting.

The island is famous for its production and export of tea, coffee, rubber and coconuts, Sri Lanka is gradually moving into the modern industrial economy, and its population enjoys the highest per capita income in South Asia. Sri Lanka is also famous for its natural beauty, where the tropical forests, beaches and landscapes, as well as a rich cultural heritage.

Sri Lanka's climate
tropical climate . So it rains heavily on most days of the year because of its proximity to the equator. Monsoon climate has made it on the southwestern coast of moderate average of 30 degrees during the day
And 25 degrees at night. In the interior parts of southern and central highlands where the climate moderate somewhat until it reaches the cold climate in the mountains covered with tea plantations and kissed the tops of the clouds in most months of the year. Because of the wind and the highlands turned the island into a paradise and beautiful suit in this tropical place

Many factors have made Sri Lanka tourist destination for rest and recreation. It has begun in recent years increasing numbers of Arab tourists, especially the Gulf so that many of the tourist offices in Sri Lanka began to provide workers who speak Arabic. The Sri Lankan people are friendly and deal gently with visitors

main cities
Colombo: capital and commercial center in Sri Lanka, filled with shopping centers and all the modern facilities and the modern architecture blends old to construction-era Portuguese colonialism and then the Dutch and finally the British .oeugd the Restaurants International, Indian and Arab.

Candy: The second largest city and is the capital of relaxation in Sri Lanka and is located in a bowl of green hills and the vast lake and wonderful. Throughout the year held many fine festivals in Kandy. It is famous for the traditional Sri Lankan dances and held Candy Festival in July each year and is an experience not to be missed. The elephants participate in this festival, performances by traditional.

Dembola: Located in the middle of Sri Lanka region lies 148 km north-east from Colombo and 72 km north of Kandy. And is famous for its caves, which contain statues and Ouhat.ohnak a total of 153 Buddha statues, 3 statues of kings and 4 statues Aseralanka sacred. In addition to the inscriptions mural area of ​​2.1 km. There is the Golden Temple, which is located on top of the mountain is too high with views very magnificence.

Noor Walia: away from the capital Colombo, 190 km, and the city is famous for its waterfalls, lakes and beautiful green mountains covered with tea plantations. And it hosts a nature reserve by the severe mountain hike. Who stands at the helm of Aizhahd ground. So-called end of the world. The cold weather city, especially at night are advised to wear heavy clothing.

Pintoth: called by that proportion of shares to the famous Arab traveler Ibn Battuta and away from the capital 60 km and has many beautiful hotels and resorts. And frequented by tourists for the beauty of its beaches.

Nagombo: just 37 km from Colombo in Sri Lanka. Dependent on tourism and the fishing industry and there are a lot of remnants of colonialism, of which the Dutch fort built in 1672 and is famous for its beautiful beaches and prefer housing in the city before the tourists return home to its proximity to the airport.

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