21 photos from around the world will shape the eyebrows on your face

21 صورة من مختلف أنحاء العالم سترسم الدهشة على وجهك

The world in which we live is a fascinating place whose mystery still goes beyond what we could imagine. Sometimes this beauty literally obvious to those who know how to observe.
22 photos breathtaking taken worldwide. They will surprise you.

Bridge over a frozen river

Room in an underwater hotel in Dubai

glass road at 1430 meters high, China

Path through the Valley of Death, United States

Shadow of a plane projected through the fog, Logan Airport, Boston

Oak millennium which houses two chapels within it, France

A drawing made entirely with straight

glass pool project between two buildings, London.

Mount Everest seen from an airplane

Fish sculptures made with plastic bottles, on a beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bridge made with the roots of a tree, Indonesia.

The way of death. Height: 2130 meters, China.

Ceiling for parking, made with 1500 plastic bottles, USA

Moonlight on the mountains.

The sun between the factory chimneys

white cliffs on the island of Iturup, Russia

One of the less common breeds of dogs: the Tibetan Mastiff

The incredible beauty of this drawing, done entirely with crayons

Saline de Uyuni, Bolivia.

Melissani: Lake of pure water, Greece

Bay of the village of Novy Svet, Crimea

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