5 countries, you can visit by cheaply prices


If the budget allocated by the limited travel, tired of getting around the neighboring cities, for your city, or even that you are tired of visiting Marrakech, Agadir and Tangier, every holiday, and want to experience a new place far from Morocco, at low cost, and Ovzaatk large sums of money that you see on the facades tourist agencies, do not worry Vcilh «Business Insider» of America, specialized in economic and technological matters, I thought people do limited budgets and prepared a list of the cheapest tourist destinations in the world and the list includes a variety of states of the culture, terrain, and in this issue we suggest you think of visiting one of these the five countries that will enjoy the visit and will not cost you a lot of money.

1. Iran

«Business Insider» Iran ranked as the cheapest country you can visit in the entire world, even though you can not fly directly to Iran, the lack of airline directly from Morocco to Iran, which forces you to change the plane in one of the Middle Eastern countries,
Coming from Iran, suffering from the economic sanctions that were imposed by the Western countries almost 30 years, making it a tourist destination is not required, which is reflected in hotel prices and the cost of living, the magazine considers it the cheapest country you can visit and enjoy the cultural diversity and cultural.

2. Egypt

By virtue of the tense political situation that prevailed in Egypt in recent years, which reflected negatively on the political sector, making hotels and tourist agencies decide to lower their prices significantly exceeded in some cases 50% to Aanagadha from bankruptcy, and in keeping with the adage misfortunes of some people the benefits, they are a wonderful opportunity for those who wish to visit the pyramids and enjoy the rich history.

3. Indonesia

Classified among the most beautiful countries in the world, by virtue offered by the charming landscape qualifications, the price is very cheap compared with other countries such as Turkey or Europe, Vorqy hotels does not exceed the price of thousand dirhams per night, and this is the cheapest price we can find even cut the ground the length and breadth,


Away from everything that promotes in the news, and away from Alihutien and storm packages, Yemen is considered among the most prominent historical places, which dates back to hundreds of years and has a history of civilizations and a lot of natural resources, but under the circumstances experienced by the country's tourism sector has become careless and developer, according to some studies show that the development of the tourism sector in Yemen sponsor him out of the circle of the poorest and least developed countries.

5. Gambia

Gambia smaller African countries, which is located in West Africa and is surrounded by Senegal on three sides, is one of the cheapest destinations in the world, in terms of both hotels and mobility expenses, the cost of living, which is a wonderful opportunity to discover the beauty of Africa

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