10 facts you did not know about Lebanon

العاصمة بيروت

Politics aside, there is another side of Lebanon, where culture and tradition are mixed atmosphere of picturesque nature and determination of the people to overcome all challenges.

1. three religions and 18 range

Lebanon is characterized by the diversity of religious, it embraces three religions are Christianity, Islam and Judaism, as well as that in Lebanon 18 officially recognized religious sect.

Noting that the country boasts the highest percentage of Christians in the Arab world.

2. Switzerland of the Middle

Tourism is the main supporter of Lebanon's economy in the country. He was called on Lebanon nickname "Switzerland of the East", before the civil war, due to the polarization of the money, business and tourist capital.

3. The country of the alphabet

The city of Jbeil of the oldest inhabited cities in the world, and also famous for the Phoenician alphabet exported to the world. The city of Baalbek It is famous as the "City of the Sun", and held in the most prominent international artists to festivals.

4. skiing, swimming at

Lebanon is famous Ptaang unfamiliar mountains and beaches. And allow small area easily navigate between regions of different nature. In the spring, for example, and when it is hot weather moderate, tourists can enjoy the citizen or on the same day ski trips in the mountains or go to the sea for recreation.

5. Arab country without desert

Lebanon is small states in size, and is characterized by moderate Bmnachh It is the only Arab country where there is a desert.

6. rice .. symbol of eternity

Lebanon is famous trees of rice, which is the symbol of this country as contained in the Lebanese national anthem (glory cedars symbol of immortality). It includes Lebanese flag this tree, in addition to that there is a village of rice, a famous ski center.

7. kippah raw .. of the most famous dishes in Lebanon

Lebanese cuisine is known Botabagah appetite and varied, most notably raw kippah, where beats veal or goat becomes smooth. Add the bulgur and spices and olive oil.

8. mother does not give citizenship

The issue of Lebanese citizenship granted to the mother of her children are still the focus of controversy in Lebanon between supporters and dismissive, while the Lebanese constitution stipulates that male and female citizens are equal before the law in rights and duties without any discrimination.

9. marry in Cyprus

The 18 communities in the country, has become a civil marriage in the near Lebanon Cyprus outlet for partners wanted to link away from religious considerations, especially after he did not recognize civil marriage in Lebanon. In addition to that there is no country unified personal status law, as each sect follow their own laws.

10. alienation Lebanese

It estimated the number of Lebanese immigrants twice the number of Lebanese residents. And it hails Mexican businessman of Lebanese origin Carlos Slim, one of the families who have left Lebanon, which is the richest person in the world for 2013.


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