Aircraft on a flight around the world without fuel

"Solar Ambals 2" aircraft began the final stage of its journey around the world, which left the Egyptian capital Cairo yesterday, towards the UAE. And is expected to take the plane to fly without fuel 48 hours from Cairo to Abu Dhabi, the journey began in March, including a trip (March) 2015 and leads the flight the pilot Bertrand Piccard.

Even though the trip will be directly, the team responsible for afraid of the possibility of the effect of heat in the Middle East on the plane project. It is likely to shave pilot Piccard high above the heat and what caused the unrest. The engines will face difficulties in pushing the plane forward over the Saudi desert and its air warm, which requires rational use of energy reserves in the batteries, to ensure that flying at night.

"Solar Ambals 2" have been cut 30 thousand kilometers on its journey to become the first plane revolves around the world without fuel, relying entirely on solar energy. The stage between Cairo and Abu Dhabi is the seventeenth and final voyage, which crossed the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean, rotate the leadership pilots Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borcburg.

Pickard believes that a return to Abu Dhabi will prove that the solar-powered plane that can revolve around the world. The idea came to him after he made a trip around the world in a balloon in 1999, landed in the Egyptian desert without reserves of propane used in the lifting of the balloon in the air. He pledged that day to find another way to fly around the world, which is completely without fuel.

Pickard admits that the airline will not be racing to replace its aircraft engines solar cells, but felt that solar power will play a role in the future of aviation. He said: "I bet that electric aircraft will begin its flights during the years of 0.50 passengers carrier in the short and medium trips." He added: "You can fly without pollution and noise, pure electric aircraft landing at airports in urban, without having to worry about the neighbors."

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