Tunisian south charm

When we tell you in front of the Tunisian south sea waves and sand dunes and mountain peaks astray and palm trees and olive ... It's the beauty of unmatched beauty acquired these lands over the centuries, the beauty is shown generously hospitable people of the south and a stickler love its land which he grew up.
Via our guest dear see to the east you will see waves of the sea on the island of dreams "Djerba" and "Zarzis", he turned to the west you will see "Tataouine" Mountains Ahamkhat and Kthbanha sand and you'll see the impact of ancestors of the palaces built by the hands of despair does not know her way, then you will notice the Mountains "Matmata" which Biota..o dug out behind the mountains perceived by you, "tribal" Bngelha and golden sand, but my friend did not you see olive trees when directed kiss to the Orient? You did not obscure your view of the waves?

Djerba Island of Dreams:





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