Aviation madness continues: new aircraft cut the distance between London and Sydney in just 4 hours

Put all of the European Space Agency and the British government tens of millions of dollars at the disposal of a company specializing in order to move in a new project aims to develop a supernatural abilities aircraft engine, where it is supposed in the case of the development of this engine that leads to passenger planes speeds up to four thousand industry miles per hour (ie 6.44 kilometers per hour), which is about seven times faster than currently exist in the world passenger aircraft.

In the case of the European Agency was able to develop these new engines, it means that the world will witness a new revolution in air traffic, as the journey by plane for seven hours, can be cut in just one hour, which means that the distance from London to the Australian capital Sydney can be traveled by the traveler in only four hours, in other words, the person can be transmitted from any point in the world to any other point during the same day, or perhaps during the day itself.
The newspaper «Daily Mail» British The Process Engine Ripper development takes place in «Oxford» in Britain, that the process of the new engine development is based on the idea of ​​combining the system used in the aircraft and that applicable in missile technology, while the new technology aims to reach by air to speed equivalent to five times the speed of sound.

According to the company (Reaction Engines), which entered into an agreement with the European Space Agency and the British Space Agency for the development of these engines, the first model of the developed engines could be ready for testing by 2020.

The company says that the European Space Agency will contribute $ 11 million in this project, but the British agency will pay for it more than $ 55 million, that the British government has allocated $ 66 million for this purpose.

The developer of these engines and says that it is also possible to use in the operations of the satellite sent into the atmosphere, and cost very little with the current cost satellite launcher, which means that the cost of technology  will drop dramatically as another breakthrough in the world of communications and channels occurs TV and satellite imaging.

Said Mark Thomas, executive director of the company «Reaction Engines»: «We received valuable support from ESA energy, told the European energy, and the agreement we have concluded represent a vote of confidence in the revolutionary power of the technology we are working on, as well as confidence in our ability to do its completion».

According to the newspaper «Daily Mail» the speed «Mach Five», or five times the volume, representing more than two and a half double from a higher speed have been developed in the world so far, the aircraft production company «Concord» and surpass the speed of sound, noting that this technology in the case came to light it will be a new leap in the aviation world.

While flying commercial aircraft currently at an altitude of 35 thousand feet, the aircraft that are being developed and surpass the speed of sound at more than six times will fly at an altitude of 92 thousand feet.

Currently the fastest plane

Over the past year, it entered the luxury and small aircraft used for flights own and businessmen to come into use to take the title of «the fastest plane in the world» but they belong to the private aviation family, and not trade, where it is small in size and equipped for business trips, but its speed so increase the aircraft speed conventional about 450 miles per hour, it's also produced by the company «Concord» famous.
The company produced and launched on the plane name «son of Concorde» (SpikeS-512) and said that «the new aircraft enables travelers to enjoy their lives more».

The company says that the new aircraft is able to travel from London to New York and back on the same day for a business that needs senior managers and businessmen «As a user of this aircraft can travel from Paris to Dubai and enjoy shopping and then go to dinner in Paris before the end of the day» .
The aircraft can accommodate only 18 passengers, and the length of the outer structure of 131 feet, while the wing amounts to extending it 60 feet, and speed of 1100 mph (1800 kph), which makes the speed more than traditional commercial aircraft speed of about 450 mph hour (700 kilometers per hour).
The price per aircraft of $ 60 million, but that price rises to $ 80 million, according to the specifications that are added on the plane.

military plane

The US Air Force unveiled plans to manufacture aircraft ultrasound able to cross the ocean within one hour by the year 2023, but the military aircraft only, is not expected to soon be used in commercial aviation world.
It was a test aircraft without advanced experimental unmanned US Air Force off the coast of Southern California, flying in the air at speeds estimated at more than five times the speed of sound.

The director of hardware development ultrasound in the Air Force Research Laboratory Kenneth Davidson: «Our goal is to make sure that we will have the necessary knowledge of the industry by 2020, or to be able to make decisions on the use of this technology over the next five years».

And assume the new aircraft being developed name (X-51A), it has already reached speeds of 5.1 Mach in the last year (five times the sound) and is part of making missile program that will destroy targets anywhere on Earth within hours, and rapidly going beyond 3500 kilometers per hour, or Mach 5, and this technology is a major theme in the arms race between the United States, Russia and China.

Source: The Daily Mail

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