" Dragon Hole " .. the deepest blue hole in the world

This is the largest blue hole in the world, according to Chinese researchers.
The depth of about 300 meters, higher than the Blue Hole in the Bahamas depth, which was the deepest in the world 202 meters in depth.
The Blue Hole is a deep stream in the ocean can be seen from the top.
The hole is located near the "Parcel" islands of south China Sea.

The locals nicknamed this hole "Dragon Hole" thousands of years ago, researchers discovered the hole using a robot works underwater depth.
They found during the search process more than 20 species of fish.
And a hundred meters below the surface of the water depth, lacking the element oxygen, which means it does not exist for any of the forms of life at the bottom.
The government aims to protect this site.


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  3. If you want to know about THE DEEPEST HOLE dug by human, click this link


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