Tourists reveal what they hate in some countries in their tours

السيّاح يكشفون عن أسوأ المدن... بينها 10 عربية

Two days before putting the famous Website "Reddit" question to patrons about the tourist cities they visited would not return to it.
More than 3,500 user answered the question, explaining the reasons for their unwillingness to return to these countries.

 Site, "The Independent" collecting all these answers and he divided it into boxes, according to the reasons why tourists not to return to the country they reported. The reasons were as follows:

The actions of the citizens in each of the Olbaena, Malaysia, Mauritania, Thailand, Hamas, Vietnam, salmon Islands, Tunisia.

Beggars in: Belize, Mexico.

Boredom in Finland, France, Luxembourg, Slovakia.

Danger in Somalia, Honduras, Venezuela, Croatia.

Filth in: Cuba, Russia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines.

Price rises in: Denmark, Norway, Slovenia.

Uproar in: Italy.

Sexual harassment in Egypt, and Morocco.

Poverty: Haiti, Jamaica, Paraguay.

Racism in the United States.

Public toilets and transportation in China.

Cold / boredom in: Canada.

"The audacity of the people" in: Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey, Romania.

Wars: Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq.

Eccentric cities: Japan, South Korea.

Source of topic : Reddit

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