With 49 $ .. owned a hotel, a restaurant and 5 cars!

an Australian citizen  won a hotel on a tropical island in the Pacific, in the lottery after paying $ 49 price tag to participate.

The authors have moved the hotel, Dag and Sally Beyz, to live on the island of Kosrae in Micronesia in the nineties, but they finally decided to return to Australia to stay together with their grandchildren. Instead of selling the hotel, which includes 16 rooms with conventional approaches, we decided to organize lottery and provide the owner of the hotel to the winning ticket.

The media reported that the clouds to attract thousands of people across the world.
He said Dag Beyz told AFP before the clouds so they wanted to "attract the person who thinks like us," in the hope that "a person loves to meet new people from around the whole world."

Dag Beyz faced difficulty to contact the owner of the winning card, but he finally succeeded to contact a winner Australian Josco.

Kosrae Island is located north of the Solomon Islands and the south-west of Hawaii where live about 6,500 people. A dedicated website for the event that the hotel is known among lovers of fishing and diving, does not have any religion which achieves profits and enjoy the liquidity of $ 10 thousand dollars.

In addition to the hotel, the winner will receive a house of four rooms and five cars for hire and two vehicles and a small truck and a restaurant.

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