3 Things do not ever share it on social networking sites and social media

مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي

Many people are taking advantage of their personal accounts on social networking sites so that the mirror image of their lives realism be applied, and they share many of the events and places to go with their friends, but they have committed a number of errors that make them an easy target for thieves

Site "time money" and dissemination Rkaimh by 3 things you should not you share it with others on social networking sites:

Driving license data
Some people do to celebrate their first driver's license obtained, share it with their friends on their own, which may contain personal data and date of birth, and personal image and therefore anyone of fraud professionals can take advantage of such information

Where you go
When you go to a holiday abroad, you should not publish pictures and locations of the places you are in because that will make you an easy target for many thieves in addition to that song and confirm your absence from home makes personal possessions in your country of origin are more likely to rob them

Your bank
Some people may do to publish many of the data on bank transactions and private image of the first salary he got it, which may make you an easy target for counterfeiters

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