Pictures .. you will not believe why they are locked inside cages in all the streets of China ?!

Very strange scene, but you may be surprised when you know that no one is forcing them to enter the cages, but if they entered you will not get out of them, but after the end of the celebration! Beggars choose between entering the cages degrading treatment or leave the final celebration! It's the new laws in one of the most important religious celebrations in China temple festival in the City "Nanchang" boycott "Jianxi" where organizers decided for this festival, this year's collection of beggars who used to be at the ceremony to ask for aid from the visitors and put them in cages ceiling is very short force of the to sit down and get out in the event of any beggar them are banished from a final celebration, and even from the city, too.

The human rights organizations in China was her dissenting opinion was shocked by these cages, which called it "animal Adamic Gardens" and that these beggars are human beings and should not be treated this way, carrying a clear violation of human rights and this was also the opinion when the majority of visitors the celebration of the religious who stunned Almtswolin view inside the cages cages like animals.

This includes religious celebration, a popular market and restaurants and paragraphs entertainment and pilgrims come from all over China every year to the festival, making it a popular destination also for beggars who Asda their numbers dramatically in recent years and who used to roam among the pilgrims and beg for aid, but in this Sunnis have been regrouped in special cages in order to preserve the atmosphere of celebration in an orderly fashion and not disturb visitors.

Authorities say all these cages, they are very suitable and convenient for beggars! It gives them a broad rather than a place of crowded streets visitors and adds that the aim is to keep beggars from the land of celebration and charity is not to prevent them, and they still have access to the aid of Visitors and cages that did not prevent their access to them.

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