Rare photographs of the tribe Mashko Peru's isolated from the world

Live tribe Mashko Peruvian Indian in the remote Amazon jungle 600 years ago, looking for the eggs of turtles and disappear in the rainy seasons in the forest for hunting, and the government is trying hard to communicate with them, but without hope, as it is this tribe and one of the 100 known tribe isolated from the world, they do not know any form of modern communication.

And always ends the government's attempts to communicate with them problems, and the last time the government tried to communicate with them, two of whom were killed by bows and arrows, what still using primitive weapons.

And it refuses to members of this tribe any form of modern life, and in 2011 members of the tribe were killed, Indian tour guide, after he helped them for 20 years, by giving them machetes and pots and pans were on their good relationship, and are believed to have killed him because he tried to persuade them to give up life primitive, but always ask for certain goods from abroad, but this does not mean that they have the intention to communicate or go out to real life, trying tribe now control part of the Madre de Dios River, recently ripped off some of the sons of the tribe and lived in the neighborhood.

Image of the Indian tour guide

In 2011, Jean-Paul van Bill managed a professor at the University of Cape Town pick up some nearby images tribe Mashko Peru during his tour in the rainforest in the Amazon, and when he noticed members of the tribe and the presence of visitors strangers directed spears and arrows on the Professor and all of him, and did not seem scared at all , the pictures were taken more visible to those of the tribe at the time, and since then the secrets of the tribe began to leak to the outside world, as it stirred up questions many people.

But as long as the tourists tried to lure members of the tribe homes, clothing and food, but to no avail, as members of the tribe believed that their immune systems are not suitable for modern diseases, and believe that any meeting with strangers put their lives at risk and trying to stay away from them, and indeed can be damaged half of the tribe because of a weakened immune modern common sickest, and that's what makes it more complicated.

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