The air is not yours alone ........ So dealing with smokers in restaurants and cafes Japanese

The air is not yours alone ........ So dealing with smokers in restaurants and cafes Japanese
Smoking In Japan: Where Can I Smoke In Japan?
For travelers who smoke a lot, smoking rules of the country you visit are very important. In Japan, it's still not so bad for smokers, although it's becoming a little more strict. The price is okay, and you can smoke in many places.

Smoking Japanese Culture Guide

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Smoking rates in Japan is about 30% of men, 10% women. Since fewer people smoke, the smoking rules are changing a bit.

Smoking is the age of 20 in Japan. This is the same as the minimum age for purchasing alcohol.

Young people do not smoke as much as the old do.

smoking areas

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Non-smoking areas are becoming more common in Japan these days.

You're not allowed to smoke in the street, although you would never be arrested for it. In fact, you often see many people smoking on a street in Japan. There are designated smoking areas often, however, especially near stations in major cities.

For restaurants, you can basically smoke at all eating places, such as bars or restaurants izakaya (drinking). Some pubs have smoking areas inside. When you go to normal restaurants, most of them do not have smoking areas or allow smoking inside.

Cigarette prices
Most packages of cigarettes cost 420-460 yen, which is about 4 USD.

The best place to buy cigarettes at convenience stores in Japan. They are everywhere.

You can easily find vending machines for cigarettes in Tokyo, but you must have an identification as a residence card to buy cigarettes from the machines.
A video on Smoking in Japan
Australian guy, lives in Japan, gives you a clearer picture.

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