Things happen inside the hotel rooms worry too much!

You might think that hotels exorbitant price, will provide you with absolute comfort and excellent services, but do you put the question to yourself, about the degree of cleanliness inside the room, even if they seem superficially clean, but what about the scenes? How is the process of cleaning purposes they use, and used by dozens of Alochkasgark during one month?

With regard to these scenes, it revealed a number of workers and experts in the affairs of hotels, shocking facts concerning the unknown things inside the hotel guests, regarding the level of cleanliness, and other facts, including:

Magic Eye: the duty to make sure such a transparent and clean, in order to clear vision, and you must make sure whether it is installed in the door of the room in reverse allows anyone who is outside Bastrac to look inside.

Electric Kettle: If the guest used to start his day with a cup of coffee, he must not use the electric kettle before washing himself, why come back at that to lack of knowledge of guest how to use the guests before the kettle, it is possible to have used it to extinguish cigarette butts.

Control your TV device: This machine is considered one of the most polluted things in the room, as they are touched by thousands of guests, and after the well is not cleaned by the workers.

 Lamps buttons: these buttons, always need to be scanned towel anti-bacterial, or sprinkled spray sterilized to make sure they are clean.

Cups drinking water: videos shown earlier, taken by hidden cameras placed by the guests, the cleaners in some hotels have cleaned up the cups in the same bath towels that cleaning out the sink and toilet.

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