Here are the 10 most countries consuming coffee

سيدة تشرب القهوة

Do you drink a cup of coffee this morning? Do not miss the chance to sip a cup of this mixture in the global day for coffee, which falls on the 29th of September / September every year.

Maybe you know how much you drink a cup of coffee a day, but do you know how many kilos of this article consume annually?

In the United States, for example, consumes per capita annual rate of 3.1 kg of coffee.

You can identify more than 10 countries consuming coffee in this list:

1. Finland (9.9 kg per capita per year)
العاصمة الفنلندية
Finnish capital

2. Sweden (8.3 kg per capita per year)
سيدة سويدية تشرب قهوتها في وقت الاستراحة
Saudi woman drinking her coffee in the break

3. Netherlands (6.9 kg per capita per year)
مقهى ستار باكس في أمستردام
Starbucks coffee shop in Amsterdam

4. Norway (6.8 kg per capita per year)
رجل نرويجي يشرب القهوة
A Norwegian man drinks coffee

5. Slovenia (6.3 kg per capita per year)
سيدة تستمتع بقهوتها في العاصمة السلوفينية
Lady enjoy drinking coffee in the Slovenian capital

6. Austria (5.3 kg per capita per year)
أحد مقاهي فيينا
A Vienna cafes

7. Germany (5.3 kg per capita per year)
مقهى في مدينة شتوتغارت الألمانية
A cafe in the German city of Stuttgart

8. Denmark (5.1 kg per capita per year)
سيدات في كوبنهاغن
Women in Copenhagen

9. Brazil (5 kg per year per person)
قهوة وعلم برازيلي
Coffee and Brazilian flag

10 - Belgium (4.8 kg per capita per year)
مقهى ومطعم في بلجيكا
A cafe and a restaurant in Belgium

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