10 tourist errors, not committed in Rome

صورة لحي بيازا نافونا أفضل مكان لحجز فندق في روما

Do not do as the Romans do in these situations and attitudes!
10 mistakes to avoid when you travel to Rome, common errors committed by travelers always, to plan a successful trip free of problems and cons we recommend that you read this article.

Proverb known, "he says in Rome, behave as do the people of Rome," which is self-evident and the advice of a precious, but in some situations it becomes "escape" the best way to express courage, there are many errors and negative practices tourist practiced by thousands of tourists every year in Rome, both was it on purpose or accidentally.

We selected 10 gold tips you must make them into account before traveling to Rome, avoid making these mistakes to enjoy free of problems and embarrassing situations and bad memories of a trip.

1 Do not book a hotel away from the city center

صورة لحي بيازا نافونا أفضل مكان لحجز فندق في روما
Image neighborhood Piazza Navona the best place to book a hotel in Rome

Of the common mistakes committed by tourists in Rome is to book a hotel away from the city center and sights grounds that the price is appropriate, it is true, but not complete picture of "savings" you have, the cost of transportation to be paid back and forth to the city center may be enough for you to spend a night or more additional , it is known high taxi prices in Rome, while required to ride the subway or buses more time, money and fatigue, so we recommend and foremost to be a hotel reservation in Rome in the old city neighborhoods such as the Colosseum area or Piazza Navona and of course predominantly on hotels in this places high tourist prices, but the matter is not free from some of the titles and comfortable occasion.

2 Do not travel to Rome in the summer
مجموعة من الناس يجلسون على السلالم الإسبانية الشهيرة روما
A group of people sitting on Rome's famous Spanish Steps

If you have the flexibility in the provision of travel and the annual time; we recommend that avoids visiting Rome in the hot summer months, when temperatures rise significantly, a tourism peak season, and become a city teeming with tourists from all over the world, in addition to stand in long lines to buy tickets and enter to museums and shrines famous (and here recommend buying tickets in advance via the Internet), and because the summer tourist season in Italy, you have to expect price rises significantly, and therefore can be a fall and spring an alternative plan for the least cost.

3 Do not eat at fast-food restaurants
أناقة الطعام والمطاعم في روما
Elegant dining and restaurants in Rome

It is true that fast food restaurants offer "contingency" plan effective when hungry, and one feels comfortable when you see the letter "Meem" golden chain of restaurants, "McDonald's" familiar in this city we visit for the first time, but hey, you're in Italy now and want to eat "hamburgers" ?! No time for fun, your will not be completed to Rome only taste delicious "pasta" dishes and spaghetti, which can be found in Armando al Pantheon restaurant and Da Danilo, as well as various types of pizza at Loffredo restaurant, and are advised to avoid eating in the popular tourist areas, "What I was able to that way, "due to the high cost of the restaurants.

4. Do not throw coin in the fountain, "Trevi"
نافورة تريفي سارقة القلوب والجيوب
Trevi Fountain robber hearts and pockets

Legend has it that it throws a coin in the fountain, "Trevi" was due to visit Rome again, and will be realized and future dreams, but what did not remember the myth is amusing incident, as reported by the Italian media, the arrest of the person who collected the amount of $ 180 thousand coin placed tourists, "people with good hearts," it is worth mentioning that it prevents the development of swimming or walking in the fountains scattered in Rome, and up to the point of financial fine.

5. Do not take photos inside the museums, churches
الرسومات المذهلة داخل كنيسة سيستينا الفاتيكان
Stunning graphics within Sistina Vatican Church

Prohibited in most museums and churches of Rome to take pictures of the interior, especially in the Vatican Museums and the Church "Sistina" which includes some of the finest and most beautiful frescoes line the artist Michelangelo, and the occasion to talk about museums, do not visit museums on Mondays, it is a holiday for most museums famous in Rome.

6 Do not pay "tipping" in restaurants
أحد مطاعم روما الأنيقة
A stylish Rome Restaurants

Another common mistake is exercised by visitors to Rome is to leave the "baksheesh" on the table after the completion of food, and is not acceptable this in most of Rome Restaurants considered, as is usually included a small amount of "service" within the restaurant bill, and I do not need to pay something extra for the waiter , except in the event that one of them provide excellent additional services to help large and you can then "giving back."

7 Do not think of driving in Rome
قيادة السيارة في روما لمن يجرؤ فقط
Driving in Rome for those who only dare

It is well known that the Italian people from more European peoples "chirps out of tune," If talk about driving and cars, this Tweet become a "discordant note", do not think about hiring a car in Rome, streets are narrow, especially in the old city, and there are many places that prevents vehicle access them, and plenty of parking is available, in addition to the practice of drivers Italians "martial arts" dazzling and distinctive while driving, where speeds demented and signals that it does not matter if the "green or red," and despite the saying, "all roads lead to Rome" ; it will not take you, "Lalji IPS," but in the maze around the giant city.

8 No interference in football talk
كرة القدم من أكثر الألعاب شعبية في إيطاليا
Football of the most popular games in Italy

The Italian people from more nations, "an obsession" for football and sports competitions, and if coincided your visit to Rome with a match between the two clubs contenders "Rome" and "Lazio", it is better to simply distribute the smiles on all the fans, without entering into discussions or make it mean "just give" opinion on the performance of the two teams and flawed, in short "of interference with the Ayanih, he found that not please him."

9 Do not overlook even for a moment on the "Pocket Wallet"
لا تنشغل بجمال المكان
Not preoccupied with the beauty of the place

We do not want exaggerating at this point; however, it is very important when you travel in general and in Rome in particular, that one stays awake and alert on the important things that you carried, it is known for the large number of "pickpockets" and swindlers who were exploiting gatherings and congestion in the area and sights to steal valuables, He spoke a lot of cases of pickpocketing in Rome, especially in some of the buses and metro lines, so we recommend not to carry a lot of money and attention always and not to deal with clowns and vendors who are frequently in front of and around the famous tourist attractions in Rome.

10 do not pay money to buy mineral water
صنبور مياه صالح للشرب في روما
Tap water undrinkable in Rome

If there is "free" of Rome for tourists; it is certainly free water! And because the cost of buying water refill mineral may sometimes up to 5 euros in high tourist areas, you should remember that there are more than two thousand "tap" in favor of drinking water is distributed throughout the city, and are advised to drink large quantities of water, especially if the trip in the summer, high temperatures.

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