Here are 10 interesting information you should know about Greece

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Have you heard of all or some of this information for Greece? Learn the secrets and realities of this legendary country, and take advantage of this knowledge before traveling to Greece, shared your information

Greece may have been a familiar and well-known to all the people; and how it does not and is home to a picturesque tourism, islands and charming effects strike in history, but the precipitant visitors to Greece do not know the most basic and the most important facts about this country and its people unique, and this could cause a lot of problems or confusion or misunderstanding, because knowledge of a weapon, we decided to pass on to you 10 exciting and funny and important information for Greece, which will make it easier on you to deal with people and situations in your journey to come to the country of legends.

1 Greece one of the oldest countries in the world
Ancient civilization as history
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متحف أكروبوليس أثينا

Certainly all of us have heard this information before, but little known effects of this speech on the floor, is the Athens of the oldest capitals of the world, and is home to more than a third of the population of Greece, which is so demographically dense area, and the advantage of planning and ancient architecture, where narrow roads, which create crises traffic suffocating, and so we recommend travelers to Greece booked their hotel in the old district in Athens for easy access to the famous sights and the use of public transport, as Greece is more a country of archaeological museums in the world, to the large number of monuments and heritage historic them.

2 Greeks speak English well
The most important thing, "communicate" social
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The view from the charming island of Kefalonia

Greek language is also one of the oldest languages of the world and older than thousands of years, and still millions speak out about the world, and if you are the simply "concern" of the difficulties of communicating with others while traveling; It might be helpful to know that the majority of the Greek people speak English well, especially young people, who are used to seeing tourists and strangers and communicate with them.

3  thousands of islands in Greece
Each island "treasure" tourist

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There is in Greece more than 2000 islands, mostly uninhabited, and if your visit to Greece is the first time we recommend that a hotel booking in Athens, it is the center for planning and scurrying to visit the famous Greek islands and at a low cost, where most of the vessels and internal flights that runs from the capital Athens.

4. Greece, the cradle of Western civilization
الآثار العريقة في أكروبوليس أثينا
Ancient monuments in the Acropolis of Athens

It is no secret a cultural and scientific grand and historic role played by Greece in the delivery of lights of science and knowledge to the world, they developed the foundation stone of modern science that changed the course and the future of the European continent and the world, and has been a pioneer in many fields, even in sports where he embraced the Olympic Games for the first time in addition to the literature and the discoveries of large contributions of thinkers and philosophers Greeks, replete with Greece's many dazzling effects that celebrates the turn of civilization important, the most important and the most important historical site named "Acropolis" in Athens, which is described as the most beautiful in the country, and includes many of the buildings and temples of ancient most famous Parthenon Temple .

5. Do not rely too much on "punctuality" in Greece
"Patience is the key of success."
السعادة لا تحتاج إلى موعد جزيرة سانتوريني
Happiness does not need an appointment to Santorini Island

In a trip to Greece, you have to expect delays and postponements in everything, whether dates of launching ships or public transport trips, it is known for the Greeks not abiding deadlines like other strict European peoples in this matter, in addition to frequent strikes and demonstrations by the people to protest against the conditions economic, so it is very contained that tend to visit the museum so they switched off without warning, or be attached to a vessel while going to one of the tourist islands, waiting for "vagina" and return to the land, and here will take an important lesson in the "patience."

6 Greece is a tourist country par excellence
Avoid peak season and has provided some of the currency
الجمال يجذب السائحين من جميع أنحاء العالم أحد شواطئ جزيرة كيفالونيا

Greece to visit more than 17 million tourists a year, and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and perhaps low-cost hotels in Greece and the living was one of the most important reasons for this tourist by the rush, and if you have the time and flexibility to schedule your vacation; I recommend that you avoid traveling to Greece in the peak season tourism, which coincides with the summer, where they become tourist destinations very crowded in addition to high reservation prices, and Greece is one of the most sun-drenched states climate and moderate in the world, making it suitable for travel most of the year, and so can you to enjoy a peaceful break in the fall or spring with "provide" quite a bit.

7 Greece's love affair with olive
"You on bread and olives."
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There is in Greece more than 140 million olive trees, and is one of the developed countries globally in the oil and olive industry, concentrated olive trees in many famous agricultural areas most important cities of Kalamata and Amfissa, while includes the island of Crete oldest olive trees in the Mediterranean region and older than three thousand years, and with this important information, do not miss the opportunity to taste the delicious olive types and net oil that goes into a lot of Greek cuisine and dishes.

8 low cost of transportation
The art of leadership and taste
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A view of the streets of Thessaloniki city at night

Characterized Greece's low-cost transportation in general, and taxis in particular, where is the taxi the best way to navigate around famous landmarks in major cities compared to the cost of taxis in other famous European cities, and if you are thinking of hiring a car in Greece; we recommend that you rethink! It is known for drivers Greeks lack of commitment signals and traffic laws, as well as excessive speed, while characterized by the streets of Athens, for example, as narrow and mostly in one direction, and also thinking about to cross the street at a pedestrian crossing without looking left and right, waiting to be allowed to cross, otherwise will not have the only say, "I went on you."

9 Greeks hospitable and simple people
Laughter the best remedy crises and anxieties
الأطباق اليونانية الشهية

المطاعم في اليونان أطباق بنكهة البحر

الأسواق والمطاعم الدافئة في أثينا

Greek people the advantage that most European peoples such hospitality and generosity, which is unusual for foreigners and strangers and to provide a helping hand, as they are called family togetherness, where Greece has a few levels of the rates of divorce and suicide, as well as the presence of a small number of nursing homes, which means the survival of the elderly, accompanied by their children until death, it is also the people of surprises, despite the fact that half of the people of smokers, but they ate healthy food and vegetable species variety and delicacies from the authorities, and they are always ready to celebrate, where open restaurants 24 hours, and is famous for Greece vibrant nightlife, which turned monotonous days and worries of political life and economic experienced by the Greeks to the last chapter of fun and laughter and optimism.

10 Greek mythology
"Do not get me wrong"
منظر للشوارع والبيوت الجميلة في الحي القديم بلاكا أثينا
Creative beautiful streets and houses in the old quarter of Plaka Athens

If you waved palm of your hand to a Greek will not exceed that being an insult! While if "spit out" someone close to you do not take it as an insult! The situation is the first linked to a Greek story of old have made this movement is flawed and unacceptable to the Greeks, while representing the second position Another legend says that spitting three times away from one's evil or misfortune and brings him Fortunately, these are some examples of the extent attached to the Greek people, legends and myths drink of his or her own deep-rooted, this does not mean that silly people or should not be taken seriously, but this reflects the contradiction also riches enjoyed by this country, which collect the summit of science and knowledge, and the bottom of myth and superstition.

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