Live 120 years, and have children in the 65th, they do not get cancer

It called the valley where the people of Hunza, "the immortals Valley." Featuring people Hunzas smilling permanent by never leaving their faces, and their activity and strength. Especially since they have a young peripherally, to the point that a lot of people are shocked when they know their age.

The Hunza is a former princely state in northern Pakistan

Hunza people enjoy long tall and light-skinned and look like the Greek people. Their name means they are "united like arrows in the quiver." These people and their extraordinary lives in the mountains of northern Pakistan, numbering about 00,087, because the average age of 100 years.
It is worth mentioning that most of these people lived until the age of 120 years, without diseases or health problems. Some of them lived 160 years erosion. Rarely get sick, they do not know the tumors, their appearance is very young, in addition to the women of this people Tnjbn children in the 65-year-old.
This form of civilization, the proof on the relationship of diet and lifestyle extent of a person's life. This people bathe in the icy water, even if the outside temperature is less than zero degrees Celsius. Do not eat only foods that they farm. And eat fruit and raw vegetables and seeds, as well as a lot of dried apricots, a variety of cereals (black as wheat and barley), pulses and a little cheese, milk and eggs.

They walk a lot, but they eat a few meals and a few economical. Breakfast of a bowl of fresh apricots or boiled with cereals, breads Indian composed. And about ten o'clock in the morning, ate the same diet, adding to fresh vegetables or boiled. And between one o'clock and the second at noon, they have another meal of dried apricots placed in water to soften, in the winter, or fresh apricots in the summer. And between the hours of five and eight in the evening, they have a fundamental and necessary meal, include Indian bread, vegetables and seasonal fruits such as peaches, peaches, pears, apples, apricots or fresh.
I walk a lot between the 5 and 20 kilometers a day, and do not realize the meaning of fatigue and tiredness. And rarely ate meat. And this is perhaps twice a year, in which case the only source of meat of lamb or chicken. Laugh a lot, and the joy of living is one of their assets or their habits favorite.
A specialist in the Hunza has been interpreted, Ralph Bircher, in his book "Hunza," that these people are "people who do not know the disease", speaking about some of the important information concerning the basic of their system:
- Are almost vegetarians
- Consume a large amount of raw foods
- Most of their diet consists of fruits and vegetables
- Natural products completely
- Not drinking alcohol at all, do not eat sugar
- Consumption of salt very mild
- Regularly fasted
For an extended period between two months and four months, do not eat anything. But they drank only dried apricot juice. They respect this tradition since ancient times. This is happening in a period of the year when the fruit is not ripe yet. Doctors agree that their eating habits and periods of fasting, contribute significantly to possessing excellent health and longevity.
Dr. McCarrison, British, a list of diseases which do not afflict the people of Hunza has developed, namely:
"Cancer, stomach ulcers, appendicitis, and colon, as well as they do not suffer from sensitivity to impressions of the abdomen, nerves, fatigue, anxiety and cold."
For his part, completed Dr. Toby, German, this list, adding to it not feeling the following diseases: "bile cases or kidney stones, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and Vascular lesions, mental retardation, polio and arthritis, as well as obesity, diabetes and hypothyroidism. "this doctor has said that he did not meet one day people with special needs in the villages he visited.
their habits in the consumption of large amounts of apricots may contribute significantly to the protection of the tumors. And, because the apricot kernels are rich in vitamin B17, which has anti-cancer properties, and through the nucleus, making oils, but in small quantities because they can be dangerous. And possession of the family for many apricot trees, a source of prestige and win them. But unfortunately, today's up to these people, types of unhealthy food industry, and it appears that as a result, tooth decay and gastrointestinal problems did not already know.

This country and the strong and sober people say, that they are descended from Alexander the Great and his army. At the time of the occupation, some of whom remained in their villages and married and settled there. And in 1984, media reported incredible story, which is the arrival of Hunza named Said Abdul Mobutu, to Heath-row Airport in London, has caused astonishment in a large number of elements of the customs services. And that, as it has without his passport, he was born in 1823, which has a 161-year-old is still alive and it seems young.

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