If you will see the astronomical event and one prominent this year, he saw the "Moon Giant" while approaching the Earth on November 14, 2016 are not assigned to it since January 1948.
According to the published in Website Science Alert, the moon will look like during the biggest event by 14%, as the more obvious it will look like 30% of the time when the satellite is completed (full moon).
This is the phenomenon earliest cases of the moon from the earth, and will not occur again until November in 2034. So, you should not miss this event.
Explains NASA phenomenon and its origin is due to the fact that the moon has an elliptical orbit, so one of its aspects - called "lunar perigee" - closer to the Earth by 48,280 kilometers from the other side, which is called "apogee."
And happen so-called "syzygy" or "Syzygy" when the sun, moon and Earth line up on one line as if the moon revolves around the Earth.
This is what makes the moon seem bigger and more visible in the sky than usual, and is referred to as the "moon the giant," It is scientifically known as the "lunar perigee".
The phenomenon of the giant moon occurred, but not the same size, in the October 16 / October 2016, after which we will see on November 14, we will see again on December 14 / December 2016.
She added, "NASA": "I would not approaching the moon fully from the earth again until November 25, 2034".
And stops your perception of the difference between the giant moon and the moon in the case of the full moon on where you see the phenomenon of it.
If the moon was high in the sky, there's no buildings or major milestones, you can compare them, it's hard to see a larger than usual form, but if you see the moon from the point where the near horizon can be great to see abnormally This is called an optical illusion, but this does not obviate the occurrence of the phenomenon.
Here are examples of models of moon pictures in 2014:

If you plan to watch the moon on November 14, make sure that you are in good, dark place away from city lights as much as you can.
It will be an opportunity to take pictures of your phone during the night, but if you want to see in the larger size, it is expected to reach its peak size on November 14 afternoon, specifically 13:52 GMT time.