he bought the phone by a quarter million dollars .. and discovered what not to expect

always he get sad when a man pays a lot of money to buy something and then discovers that it is not an original, but how this thing albeit an important artifact priced at a quarter million dollars?

At the beginning of this month it offered Alexander historical Company Auctions, Telephone Nazi leader late "Adolf Hitler," which he used to give his officers orders during World War II, as well as giving orders to kill his wife's brother as punishment for betraying him through it, for sale in a public increased starts at 100.

And already held the auction for the sale of the bloody phone and which served as the instrument of death to many, found by British Brigadier General Ralph Rayner who was the first officer who entered "Führerbunker" in the German capital Berlin, which was private and the last of Hitler Headquarters, in 1945, to retain it for himself before Aorth to his son, which was introduced for sale.

The unidentified person buying the phone at about 243 thousand dollars last week, to be surprised then that many experts claim that this phone is a fake, pampered this claim that the earphones do not fit with the rest of the phone.

The head of the Department of compiling historical phones at the Museum of Communications the German city of Frankfurt, Frank Gnegl, if this phone a fake, stressing that the original phone-making in the company "Siemens and Halskh" German, but earphones look British-made, and that Siemens can not make a phone this specifications.
He added that at a time when Hitler was keen to perfect his property industry, we find that the red phone color lacks professionalism, and that his name was inscribed it in a way lacking proficiency, pointing out that the phone of the W38 model, which is known being a phone installed in a box in the wall , which confirms the invalidity say that Hitler was Astahbh with him always.

The suspended officials of the institution "Alexander" to the auctions, on the matter that the handset may emerge disproportionately with the rest of the phone, but this is not true, Valhatv designed carefully, and earphones, mounted well it, which eliminates the possibility of falling down during transport from one place to another, which denies the idea of ​​replacement.
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