5 Effective Tips For Becoming Photogenic

Looking at their photos, many people are dissatisfied with their image. Besides, to take a picture represents for her a real calvary because, anyway, they will not appear as pretty as the reality. To solve this problem and become photogenic, here are some simple tricks to apply!

5 Tips to Become Photogenic:
1 - Healthy and clean skin
Most of the time, the photographers focus mostly on the face. This is why it is important that it is in an impeccable state, especially as modern cameras have the ability to capture the smallest details. So, if you want to have a perfect appearance on your photos, take care of your skin by establishing a strict daily routine, to clean, moisturize and tone.

If you are putting on makeup, make sure that the choice of your foundation and your concealer is the right one. Their tones must be close to your skin's natural skin tone and spread evenly over the face, neck and ears. Thus, you will avoid seeing unsightly demarcations appear clearly on your portrait.

Also, if you have oily skin, be sure to remove excess sebum by using tissues, especially the facial area T, or by applying a matifying care to cancel the effect of gloss. Clean your face with a mild soap and also apply an exfoliating care to remove dead skin and revive the radiance of your skin. So you will not look tired or dull.

2 - Concentrate on what makes you unique
One of the main characteristics of photogenic people is their confidence in their appearance. Generally people are stressed at the idea of ​​taking a picture for fear that their physical "defects" are too apparent. Diastema (empty space between teeth), freckles, eyes that shrink with a smile ... do not try to hide them, assume them! By staying natural and serene, your photos will be more successful!

3 - Show your emotions
It is very easy to tell the difference between a photogenic person and another who poses, just by analyzing their expressions. The first is spontaneous while the second feigns his feelings. Even if you have nerves flushed because of your photo shoot, do not let this influence you. Keep your cool and smile naturally. Leave aside that tight or closed smile that does not let your teeth see. Allow your face a certain freedom of movement so that your emotions can be drawn freely.

4 - Do not stand directly in front of the camera
A camera reflects light, so as to convert a 3D object (3 dimensions) into a 2D image. Result: the shapes are flattened and compressed. This is the reason why many people appear more round on the photos than they actually are. To avoid this, avoid facing directly to the camera. Turn slightly to the side to create a light play of light that will refine your face. Also, so that you do not look sleepy, look a little above the lens of the camera.

5 - Fold your joints
How many times a day do you stand perfectly straight? Rarely and most likely never! So do not do it on the pictures either. Adopt a relaxed and relaxed posture, bending your joints slightly, for a comfortable and more natural look.

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