The study concluded that 23 countries are the strongest in the world, according to military and economic factors, and the factor of equality in living.
The list included three Arab countries are Saudi Arabia, which came in ninth place, where the study said that the oil power enjoyed by the Kingdom have made them one of the strongest countries in the world.
According to what was said by the British newspaper "The Independent" , those poll asked 21 thousand people between business leaders and citizens, and a number of elites in the communities covered by the list.
The second Arab state in the list, the United Arab Emirates, which occupied the tenth position, where the study said that the UAE is one of the strongest countries in terms of military forces, especially as they come in second place behind Saudi Arabia, in the list of most Arab countries spending on military weapons.
While Qatar was, is the third Arab country on the list, but the 23 and last place was occupied, and said her study, she and one of the richest countries in the world, also pointed out that despite the drop in world oil prices, but it has a cash reserve large.
Russia came in second place behind the United States, and behind China, Britain, Germany, France, Japan, and the Zionist entity.
Came when South America, Canada, Turkey, Switzerland, India, Australia, Italy, Sweden, Pakistan, the Netherlands, Spain , behind Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and by Qatar in.