The most visited tourist destination in the world is none other than France - the lovers paradise. 76.8 million people came to visit. The most visited places in France have always been Eiffel Tower and Musée du Louvre.
United States, on the other hand, welcomed around 59.7 million visitors during the year 2010. Cities which were most visited by travelers in US are of course New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and the capital Washington D.C. Other countries which had more than 50 million visitors are China and Spain.
From the year 2009, China had more than 5 million visitors in the year 2010. Although the number of visitors to France, which was 79.3 million in the year 2008, has decreased still it has been holding the first position for a quite a long time.
The World Tourism rankings are compiled by The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) as part of their World Tourism Barometer publication, which is released three times throughout the year. In the publication, UN regions and subregions are ranked by the number of international visitor arrivals, by the revenue generated by inbound tourism, and by the expenditures of outbound travelers.
Travel fun and exciting world of knowledge. Travelers always trying to discover the world, from Columbus to the Ibn Battuta even Haggagovic. Many flights roamed the world. Pleasure travel and adventure travelers just were not limited, with the development of means of transportation and to increase the surplus of income and provide a lot of vacation times throughout the year, all contributed to facilitate travel around the world. Two years ago since the number of tourists in the world has risen to one billion for the first time in its history, with the following list of the most visited countries, according to the World Tourism Organization
11. Malaysia
The number of visitors (25 million visitors)
Malaysia looks unexpected name in the list of most states to visit, especially compared with the classic tourist destinations such as Paris, London and New York. But Malaysia is different; gets visitors to Malaysia to visit more than one country at once, peninsula divided by the South China Sea.
Multiple features legendary island, the western region consists of plains and cultural mix of Malay, Chinese and some Indian influences.
Unlike some countries in the region, Malaysia enjoys political and economic environment is stable, and earn a lot of money of 25 million visitors annually. Where the beach and safari adventure and all that is available and accessible, Malaysia and prides itself on being possessed Lego Land theme park and amusement park Hello Kitty (the first of its kind outside of Japan).
10. Thailand
The number of visitors (26.5 million visitors)
Thailand enters the world of the ten countries most visited for the first time just two years ago, where tourism has become a source of income as President of Thailand. He encouraged her charming nature and its capital, a city visited by one of the most visited cities in the world in previous years, "Bangkok".
Thailand offers a great variety of tourist attractions include diving and charming beaches. It also contains a large number of World Heritage sites and got a large number of tourists on the fun of a large number of private Buddhism spread in the country's religious temples visits.
Thailand is also known for its humid climate encourages researchers ok to spend a distinctive holiday atmosphere, which is more than an excellent atmosphere in the winter. Thailand is also known for its kitchen is among the famous Asian kitchens, and gets a large number of tourists in Thailand on Thai cooking classes.
9. Russia
The number of visitors (28.5 million visitors)
With differences in the problems of the recent expansion of efforts to President Putin about Ukraine, all of that makes Russia a tourist complex. In 2013, he visited Russia more than 28 million tourists, but you will affect the differences that have occurred recently on tourism? It is still hides the future!
With land area of ​​more than 17 million square kilometers, there are a range of tourist activities and places dazzling in Russia. Winter sports and beautiful coastline on the Black Sea and also the domes of the Orthodox churches in St. Petersburg, the Red Field in Moscow, which recorded the lowest temperature until recently: -42.2 Celsius.
8. United Kingdom
The number of visitors (31.2 million visitors)
Although England is the eighth most visited country among the states, but it occupies the fifth place in the amount of money spent by tourists during their visit to it, which shows how high the cost of living in London.
Leaves nearly half of UK visitors to London to visit the famous sites such as Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament and the British Museum, which more than 5.5 million visitors received in 2012.
The tourism industry is an important part of the GDP in the United Kingdom in approximately 8.6% of the economy (96 billion pounds).
Despite the rivalry between the United Kingdom and France, the French constitute the bulk of tourists in England 3.6 million tourists in 2010.
7. Germany
The number of visitors (31.5 million visitors)
Huge area and its location within the euro zone in addition to the 30% of the population spend their holidays in Germany itself, all this means that the tourism industry in Germany is huge in size.
In 2012 alone there were more than 400 million overnight stays in Germany. Big industry contributes nearly 5% of GDP in Germany, these numbers have increased significantly in 2013 and employs a similar proportion of the German workforce.
A range of attractions in Germany, such as parks sunny in Bavaria and nightlife in Berlin is available. And it can not be losing sight of the Berlin Wall, an important tourist destination for anyone with a passion for history.
6. Turkey
The number of visitors (37.8 million visitors)
Istanbul is the city (which is rumored error as the capital) in the west of Turkey, it is the contact point between the Eastern and Western cultures since 660 BC.
In Istanbul, the modern age is one of the largest growth in the world's urban areas, with vast expanses of coastal areas and sprawling that are filled with beautiful domes and minarets of mosques in the city.
Big Bazaar and the Blue Mosque and the Basilica Cistern, attract millions of visitors during the summer months, but the smart traveler will visit the city in the non-peak months to be calmer and enjoy visiting.
Tourism not only in Turkey on the beautiful city. Coastal areas of the country are increasingly attracting Western seekers spend a few weeks on the beach and ride a hot air balloon over rock formations in Cappadocia.
5. Italy
The number of visitors (47.7 million visitors)
Italy is one of the world's most equipped to world heritage sites.
Italy is rich in ancient antiquities and masterpieces of painting, sculpture and architecture. Florence of the most historic cities Ozdjara effects and distinctive architectural installations. Venice - Vencia- is one of the most romantic cities in the world, replete with walkways and canals that tourists enjoy the classic move by boat to see the historic buildings and palaces antique. to
4. China
The number of visitors (55.7 million visitors)
China may be considered a tourist destination complex. Because of cultural differences and customs that seem strange to many of the tourists, a few simple rules to facilitate the trip very much. While eating, should never be used for the wrong pair of rods equipped to party, it is also not trying to point out. Not to make any attempt to pay the bill is unacceptable behavior.
Travelers can enjoy a bold journey to cross China and Russia in a trip express train across Siberia. It takes almost a week, and is available for tourists to increase long as he wants, Unlike intercontinental flights, allowed to disembark at several stops along the way.
3. Spain
The number of visitors (60.7 million visitors)
In a country where the unemployment rate is almost 26%, it's good to enjoy the tourism industry in Spain to annual increases that are moving upward, surpassing China Center for third-placed previously.
As is the case with many European countries, the history of Spain and Spanish food and culture attract huge groups of tourists from America and the East. Spain has 43 sites of World Heritage sites, complemented by its picturesque countryside which puts Spain in third place on the UNESCO list of Biosphere Reserves.
The most famous activity in Spain is bullfighting, With fewer bullfights battles that still occur outside the global areas of Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Pamplona festival remains the most famous at all. Festival of popular origins. It is necessary to transport the bulls from the barns to the ring, and when that happens the young Spaniards to jump between them to show off. In recent events, should not be less than the age of the participants for 18 years, running in the same direction as the oxen, to refrain from provoking the bulls, and are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage.
2. United States
The number of visitors (69.7 million visitors)
The tourism industry was established in America since 1850, and although it is in second place in the most visited countries in the world, but that the amount of revenue from each tourist is the highest in the world.
Tourism is one of the largest industries of many US states, which means that the repercussions of the September 11 tragedy was enormous. The United States has a great diversity of attractions, as well as more than 100,000 of the "things to do".
With a little deeper in the American monuments, you will discover a range of wacky like the Cathedral of Texas, which consists of 60 tons of waste, and the tomb of the witches in New Orleans and Albert City, Iowa, and the biggest bull in the world, which is up to 30 feet in length and weighs 45 tons.
1. France: 83 million
The number of visitors (84.7 million visitors)
Paris syndrome disorder that affects mainly Japanese women in their thirties, afflict about 12 people a year, and forced the Japanese Embassy to open a hotline around the clock to receiving communications Japanese tourists who suffer from trauma. Japanese tourists visiting million Paris every year with very ideal for the French capital idea, but the reality of the city is a sometimes shocking to some.
In 2006 alone, the Japanese Embassy was forced to provide a flight attendant with a medical team to four people collapsed completely from the impact of the cultural shock.
It had built literature, film and television picture-perfect to the City of Light since before the world wars, and as a result France remains the most visited country in the world.
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