Are Scandinavian countries of northern Europe. It is located to the south-west of Sweden and southern Norway and is bordered to the south by Germany. Denmark also overlooks
On both the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. The country consists of a large peninsula, Gotland (Yoland) and several islands, most notably an island
Zeeland, Von, Vandissel T (usually part of Yutland), Lolland, Walster and Bornholm, as well as hundreds of small islands, often
What is referred to as the Danish archipelago. Denmark has long dominated the entrance to the Baltic Sea. Before the Canal Canal was dug the waterway of the sea
Baltic through three channels known as the Danish Straits.
Denmark is governed by a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. Denmark has a state-level government and local governments in 98 municipalities. she
Member of the European Union since 1973 even though it has not joined the euro area. Denmark is a founding member of
NATO and OECD. Denmark is also a member of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Denmark has a mixed capital market economy, a large social services state and is ranked among the highest in terms of income.
Denmark has the best business climate in the world according to Forbes magazine. Between 2006-2008 the country ranked surveys
For the first as "the happiest place in the world" based on the standards of health, welfare and education. World Peace Index
2009 Denmark ranks second after New Zealand as the most peaceful country.
In 2009, Denmark also ranked one of the world's least corrupt countries according to the Corruption Index, ranking second only to New Zealand.
The national language is Danish and closely linked to Swedish and Norwegian, and the two countries share strong cultural and historical ties.
82% of the population of Denmark and 90.3% of the Danish ethnic population follow the Lutheran National Church. As of 2010 the census arrived
Immigrants and children of immigrants in the country 548,000 people (9.9% of the population of Denmark). Most immigrants (54%) have their assets
Scandinavian or elsewhere in Europe while the rest mainly from the Middle East and African countries.
Tourism in Denmark Most tourists who visit Denmark come from neighboring countries, especially from Germany and then come
Sweden, Norway and then the Netherlands, the World Tourism Organization, reported that 8.7 million tourists visited Denmark in 2010.
Denmark has sand beaches filled with tourists on summer days, Swedes and Norwegians come to visit Copenhagen as capital
Denmark because prices in Denmark are as well as Danish beer.
From the tourist areas of Denmark are the Cronborg Castle in Helicencour, the Tivoli Gardens and the Christiania Free Town and Statue
The Little Mermaid, the headquarters of the Berlingske, Moon Island, Lyslund Park, and Foster Island, where there is a lot
From the summer houses and the safari park of Kuthenburg, where there are many animals and the Mldldersentrit, an old mill and the Geo Center.